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The Fountain in the Sky

8 bytes added, 14 years ago
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|typest = Continuous
|number = 92223641
|lore = When a [[LIGHT]] monster is destroyed by battle and sent to your [[Graveyard]], you can remove from play that monster and gain [[Life Points]] equal to its [[ATK]].
|japlore = [[LIGHT|光属性]]モンスターが[[Destroyed by battle|戦闘によって破壊され]]自分の[[Graveyard|墓地]]へ[[Send|送られた]]時、そのモンスター1体を[[Removed from play|ゲームから除外する]]事で、そのモンスターの[[ATK|攻撃力]]分だけ自分の[[Life Points|ライフポイント]]を回復する。
|jp_sets =
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