Card Lores:Metalzoa

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  • In the French version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Invoquez ce monstre sur le terrain par Invocation spéciale du Deck sur en offrant "Zoa" équipée de "Métalmorphe" en sacrifice."
  • In the German version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Dieses Monster kann per Spezialaktivierung vom Deck auf das Spielfeld gebracht werden, indem die mit einem "Zoa" ausgestattete "Metallwandler" als Tribut entrichtet wird."
  • In the Italian version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Questo mostro puo essere evocato dal Deck al Campo tramite Evocazione Speciale offrendo come Tributo la carta "Zoa il Mostro" equipaggiata con "Metalmorph"."
  • In the Spanish version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "A este monstruo se le realiza Llamada Especial desde la Deck al campo ofreciendo como Tributo a "Zoa" equipado con "Metalmorph"."