Card Tips:Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit

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  • Use this card and the monster Summoned by this card's effect to Synchro Summon "Vulcan the Divine", boucing an opponent's card as well as a "Fire Formation - Tenki", so that you can use it again on a later turn.
  • With "Fire Formation - Tensu" activated, Normal Summon another Level 3 "Fire Fist" monster and this card; Special Summon a monster from the Graveyard with this card's effect, then Synchro Summon "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince" and Special Summon a Level 3 "Fire Fist" monster from the Deck; then use it and the Normal Summoned Level 3 to Xyz Summon "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor" and use its effect to retrieve this card and re-use its effect during your next turn.
    • Alternatively, if "Rooster" is in your Graveyard: activate "Fire Formation - Tenki" to add this card to your hand. Normal Summon this card, Special Summon "Rooster" and activate its effect to search for a Level 3 "Fire Fist" monster. Activate the second effect of "Rooster" and switch "Tenki" with "Tensu". Synchro Summon "Horse Prince" and Special Summon another Level 3 "Fire Fist" monster. Activate "Tensu" and Normal Summon the monster "Rooster" searched; then, Xyz Summon "Lion Emperor" and recycle this card.

Traditional Format[edit]


NameJapanese namePrimary typeAttributeLevelATKDEF
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Princeえんせいこう-ホウシンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirinこうえんせい-リシュンキEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Siriusてんろうおう ブルー・セイリオスEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Vulcan the DivineじゅうしんヴァルカンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
XX-Saber GottomsXXダブルエックス-セイバー ガトムズEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
NameJapanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeTypeScaleATKDEF
Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beastほうかいじゅうブレード・ガルーディアEffect MonsterBeast00
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopardそくえんせい-タイヒョウEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior0200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ramかいえんせい-シーブEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior800200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Roosterりつえんせい-トウケイEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior1500100
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spiritえんせい-チョウテンEffect MonsterTuner monsterBeast-Warrior500200
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparksえんせいりゅう-バーナーEffect MonsterDragon1000200
CaninetaurケンタウルスEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior1500200
Chosen by the World ChaliceせいはいえらばれしものNormal MonsterPsychic16000
Dora Dracoドラ・ドラEffect MonsterDragon400200
Elementsaber Maloエレメントセイバー・マローEffect MonsterWarrior1700200
Fire King Avatar Kirinえんおうじゅう キリンEffect MonsterBeast1000200
Firebrand HymnistさんEffect MonsterPyro800200
Flame Bufferloフレイム・バッファローEffect MonsterCyberse1400200
Flamvell Archerフレムベル・アーチャーEffect MonsterTuner monsterPyro1000200
Goblin Biker Clatter Sploder百鬼羅刹ゴブリンライダー ばくおんクラッタEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior15000
Ha-Re the Sword Mikankoつるぎ御巫みかんこハレEffect MonsterWarrior00
Kayenn, the Master Magma BlacksmithしゃくねつこうきょしょうカエンEffect MonsterRock1200200
Laval Lakeside LadyラヴァルえんはんしゅくじょEffect MonsterTuner monsterPyro200200
Metalfoes Silverdメタルフォーゼ・シルバードNormal Monster
Pendulum Monster
Neo Flamvell Hedgehogネオフレムベル・ヘッジホッグEffect MonsterTuner monsterPyro800200
Neo Flamvell Shamanネオフレムベル・シャーマンEffect MonsterPyro1700200
Poki Dracoポケ・ドラEffect MonsterDragon200100
R-Genex Magmaレアル・ジェネクス・マグナEffect MonsterPyro1000200
Raging Flame SpriteさかほのおせいれいEffect MonsterPyro100200
Rigorous Reaverリグラス・リーパーEffect MonsterFlip monsterPlant1600100
Rogue of Endymionローグ・オブ・エンディミオンEffect MonsterSpellcaster1500200
Salamangreat Coyote転生炎獣サラマングレイトコヨーテEffect MonsterCyberse1000200
Salamangreat Fennec転生炎獣サラマングレイトフェネックEffect MonsterCyberse1600200
Shiranui Spectralsword Shadeおうようとう不知火しらぬいEffect MonsterTuner monsterZombie8000
Soul Resonatorソウル・リゾネーターEffect MonsterTuner monsterFiend500200
Sublimation Knightしょう-エクスパラディンEffect MonsterWarrior1300200
Totem Fiveトーテム・ファイブEffect MonsterRock500200
Turbo Cannonワンショット・キャノンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Vulcan Dragni the Cubic Kingほうかいていヴァルカン・ドラグニーEffect MonsterFairy00
ZW - Phoenix BowZWゼアル・ウェポン不死鳥弩弓フェニックス・ボウEffect MonsterWinged Beast11000