Card Trivia:Constellar Pollux

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  • This monster is based on Pollux, the brightest star in the Zodiac constellation of Gemini, whose astrological symbol (♊︎︎) appears in the background of this card's artwork.
    • The constellation of Gemini appears in the background of this card's artwork, with the location of Pollux denoted by the encircled star.
    • This monster wields a single sword with twin blades, referencing how Gemini is also known as the "twins" constellation.
      • Fittingly, this monster's effect allows it to Normal Summon or Set another "Constellar" monster, possibly, allowing it to Summon a "twin" copy of this monster.
  • This monster has an "lswarm" counterpart: "Evilswarm Castor"
    • Both monsters are named after the two brightest stars in the constellation of Gemini.
    • Both monsters' armor features an asymmetrical design with one half featuring opposing details and color schemes and the other half left blank and undetailed.
    • Both monsters feature an effect that allows the player to perform an additional Normal Summon of their respective archetypes.
    • According to Overlay Guide 2, "Evilswarm Castor" is not a corrupted version of this monster, but instead its corrupted twin brother.