Card Trivia:D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox

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  • This card is named after the concept of a paradox.
  • This card is the only "D/D" or "D/D/D" monster to contain a fourth "D" in its name.
    • Oddly, while "D/D/D" stands for "Different Dimension Demon", as explained in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime, the meaning of the fourth "D" in this card's name was never explained in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V manga. The fourth "D" also likely refers to the fourth dimension in four-dimensional systems.
  • This is the only monster to be a member of the same archetype three times, by containing three separate instances of "D/D" in its name.
  • This card is the first "D/D/D" monster not to have the word 'King' in its English name, although it has the word 'Emperor'.
  • This card's name currently has the highest number of syllables, letters and characters (including spaces) among English card names (20, 47 and 57 respectively).