Card Trivia:Raremetalfoes Bismugear

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  • This card is the first "Raremetalfoes" monster, as well as the first Effect Pendulum Monster in the "Metalfoes" archetype. At the time of writing, this is the only "Raremetalfoes" monster (as well as the only Effect Pendulum "Metalfoes" Monster), but it is possible that all future "Raremetalfoes" Monsters will be Effect Pendulum Monsters as well.
  • This card is named after Bismuth, and both Bismugear's armor and vehicle appear to be made out of bismuth. Artificially-grown bismuth crystals exhibit growth patterns that cause a distinctive "steppered" pattern, as well as a rainbow-like iridescent color. (However, large-scale plates of bismuth do not exhibit these qualities, so a machine built out of bismuth would not look like this.)
    • The crest on the front of Bismugear's vehicle, as well as the square shapes on the edges of the vehicle and on Bismugear's armor, resemble the shape of a bismuth crystal.
    • The iridescent coloring of the vehicle and armor resembles the color of a bismuth crystal.