Card Trivia:The Golden Swordsoul

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  • This card's Japanese name, "Xiangjian Masters of Xuanyuan" (けんえんそうけん Ken'en no Sōkenshi), is based on Xuanyuan Jian (軒轅劍), a legendary Chinese sword.
    • The kanji Ken'en (軒轅) in this card's Japanese name seems to be a pun on Ken'en no naka (犬猿の仲, lit. "like dog and monkey"), a phrase for a relationship where both parties are at odds with each other (similar to the English phrase "fight like cat and dog").
    • This card's TCG name, "The Golden Swordsoul", is a reference to the Yellow Emperor, a legendary Chinese sovereign who is said to have forged and used Xuanyuan Jian.