Card Trivia:Xyz Veil

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  • "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" appears in this card's artwork, along with its Xyz Materials that are shown in the same way in anime as orbiting light orbs.
    • This card also alludes to the fact that players will rarely detach the second Xyz Material from Number 17, preferring a 2500 attack monster with the potential for direct attacks rather than a 3000 attack monster that is unable to make a hard-hitting direct attack. Thus, "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" would always be protected by this card.
  • This is the first card since "Justi-Break" to be a Trap Card for a Sneak Preview Participation Card.
  • Unlike "The Duelist Genesis", although this is a promotional card for the first Booster Pack to feature Xyz Monsters, this card is not an Xyz Monster.