Forum:Bull Blader

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I wanted to ask about the use of Bull Blader in a particular scenario, namely when Bull Blader attacks a monster with an equip card that gets destroyed instead of a monster when attacked (like, for instance, most Union Monsters as equip cards or a Gladiator Beast equipped with Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield). A player argued that if Bull Blader attacked said monster and is capable of defeating it in battle (has higher atk than the other monster), that he could then activate its effect; the result would be the equip card being destroyed because the target was destroyed in battle, and then the monster itself destroyed through its card effect. Is this actually what would happen? Zorpheus (talkcontribs) 16:31, May 9, 2014 (UTC)

Essentially, yes. Same as with Catastor if he attacks something with a union on it. Union take hit for it and then battle continues. This is assuming the Union is like Heavy mech support platform in that it guards against card destruction too. Its taking 2 hits, and has 1 shield......DreadKaiser (talkcontribs) 17:29, May 9, 2014 (UTC)