Forum:Can some one help me make a neos deck

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iav tryed in the past 2 build a neos deck but iav always faild can some one help me start plz i realy wanna build 1 its just i realy like neos.

  • Elemental Hero Prisma is your best friend. But one of the reasons you might be having trouble making a good Neos deck is that Neos isn't a strong theme. --Crab Helmet 00:08, 2 May 2008 (UTC)

You should focus only in some fusions and not in all of them, this way you can also use the chrysalis versions of the monsters(which help alot in there).--Teba64 00:14, 2 May 2008 (UTC)

i thank u for ur advice wiv prisma but how exactly would u start off the deck iav had 1 of each neo-spacian in at 1 time n 3 neos, 2 alius, prisma n 2 pathfinders but i just need help. u advies is well taken in belive me. iav taken my neos deck 2 a hobby league in manchester n it got heavly owned n i was woundering how 2 make a gud neos dek coz i always fail lol.

have 3 neospace pathfinders, 2 neos, 2 alius, 1 emergency call, 2 of each neospacian exept grand mole, 1 of each chrysalis, 2 common soul, 1 sangan, 1 neospace(pathfinder can revive it), and ancient rules and fake hero. fill the rest with good cards like call of the haunted, prisma, lightning vortex and stuff you want. my deck almost doesnt have anything exept neospacian cards. ps. cocoon party and convert contact is a good combo, so add them too.Mini neos 09:58, 2 May 2008 (UTC)

i took ur advice on my deck n this is were iam up 2 i recently went 2 a light of destruction sneek peek n got some new cards any how this is were iam up 2? monsters neos x3, alius, prisma, stratos, pathfinder x2, cross porter x2, flare scarab, grand mole, glow moss, air hummingbird, dark panther,aqua dolphin. spell/trap space gift x2, fake hero, o - oversoul,hand destruction, heavy storm, mst, pot of averice, widespread ruin, rota, torrential tribute, ancient rules, mirror force, swords of revealing light, monster reborn, neo space, lightning vortex and e - emergency call. i also hav 2 of every fusion aswell but is it realy werth putting in the chrysalis monsters coz they seem 2 be a dead draw at times?

use chrysalis. they have many good combos, like convert contact to discard 2 neospacians, then cocoon party to summon 2 chrysalis, then sacrifice them to summon neos. i use that combo alot. you need chrysalis monsters to have a neospacian deck. plus, you dont focus on neospacians. have 2 of each except grand mole. Mini neos 17:31, 6 May 2008 (UTC)

But I'd rather avoid summoning Neos with tributes. I usually use Fake Hero or Ancient Rules

if i did put in the chrysalis monsters in how many cacoon partys n contact should i put in?. would u uses space gift?

i use 2 convert contact and 2 cocoon party, but im gonna switch 1 convert contact with a space gift. Mini neos 16:55, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

Hero Mask is gonna be really useful. --Rein Weiss Ritter 16:57, 8 May 2008 (UTC)

yah hero mask can n maybe come in handy but i hav 2 prisma's 4 that sort of effect. would any1 use cross porter

The target of Hero Mask doesn't have to be Elemental Hero. So with Hero Mask u can contact Fusion 2 Neo-Spacians(With the other one treated as Neos). While Elemental Hero Prisma not only can copy Neos, but also Neo-Spacians.