Forum:Chaos Agents!! I Need Help!!

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So I'm making Chaos Agents. Most Builds run over 20 monsters but my build is a little different. The objective is to get monsters to the grave as quick as possible in order to special summon your bosses of the deck. Throughout the process, you can also synchro summon to stall until you get what you want and the traps are also helpful and some help you dump monsters. Here's the build!


Monster Cards

Extra Deck

  • Stardust Dragon x2
  • Red Dragon Archfiend x1
  • Scrap Dragon x1
  • Hundred-Eyes Dragon x1
  • Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
  • Ally of Justice decisive armor x1
  • Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth x1
  • Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
  • Ally of Justice Catastor x1
  • Magical Android x1
  • Iron Chain Dragon x1
  • Red Nova Dragon x1
  • Blackrose Dragon x1
  • Number 39: Utopia x1

If you have any suggestions let me know! HOWEVER, if you can play around with the build first to see the kinks that would be epic because most people say it's a crappy build until they actually duel against it. The deck is really consistent and it does well pretty much against anything. I'm open to new ideas, just let me know.--Hyperion992 (talkcontribs) 18:20, November 4, 2011 (UTC)

A couple of quick comments from just looking at the list:

- The only agents you run is Earth. That's bad because when you summon Earth you don't have anything to search! I'd suggest run 2-3 Venus and 3 Shine Balls to make the engine "work". You'll also find Hyperion to be a lot easier to summon once you've made those changes.

- Your dark monsters are a bit scattered. What I mean is that the synergy between THEM is there, but they aren't as compatible with the LIGHT monsters you run. Sure Malicious is nice with Earth but there's a lot of times when you're better off with other DARK monsters that are good by themselves. I would suggest using Sangan, T.G. Warwolf, Gorz, and Tragoedia as your DARK monsters. maybe Junk Synchron as well because it instantly comboes with Shine Balls.

- I'd suggest taking out Rykos. The deck should have no problem getting rid of cards on the field with Hyperion and even Venus into Trishula.

- Your trap line up can be refined by running more cards that are good by themselves and does not rely on something very specific to trigger it. Dimensional Prison is a good bet since it protects Earth and sets up Trishula next turn.

So in essence a successful Chaos Agent deck will incorporate the following:

- a very versatile T.G. engine that allows for both aggression and defense (2-3 T.G. Striker, 2-3 T.G. Warwolf, 0-1 T.G. Rush Rhino)

- a complete Agent engine that shines in consistency and power (3 Earth, 3 Venus, 3 Shine Ball, 3 Hyperion)

- the duo of Gorz and Tragoedia that prevents OTK, punishes overextension, and forces the opponent to further commit

- any combination of Effect Veiler, Maxx C, and Herald of Orange Light which allows you to keep opponents in check without committing traps to the field

- Black Luster Soldier and possibly Chaos Sorcerer and Archlord Kristya that comes out mid-late game as further win conditions.

- a spell line-up that adds speed and clears threats

- an efficient (and short) trap lineup that takes down your opponent's monsters and sets up devestating Trishula plays

Good luck with your deck XxSpongebobxx (talkcontribs) 03:24, November 6, 2011 (UTC)

I've tried running the Venus set up and I noticed that it took me longer to get the Rykos (which is mandatory for me to run 2 due to the milling eff and getting more light and darks in grave). The T.G. monsters are coming soon enough along with a Birdman. D-Hero Malicious is great with Ryko, Plaguespreader, and Earth and it sets me up for a lot of combinations when needed. I don't know if I want to swap him out for anything just yet. I will try running Kristya and possibly Herald of Orange Light (If I can find one). Another possibility is Darklord Desire. As for traps, D. Prisons will definitely be going in once money is acquired. I just got 3 common Tragoedias from the Dark World structure deck, so I can squeeze him in. However, Gorz will be put on hold. I rather get D. Prisons first. What about Mystic Tomatos? How are they in the deck from your point of view? Thanks for actually commenting! --Hyperion992 (talkcontribs) 23:51, November 6, 2011 (UTC)