Forum:Could someone rate my madolche Deck

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I wanted to know if someone could rate my madolche deck.

monsters 22

3x madoclhe magiline

3x madolche angelly

2x madolche hootcake

3x madolche mewfeuille

3x madolche messengato

2x madolche puddingcess

2x t.g werwolf

2x maxx c

2x effect vieler

spells 10

3x madolche chatou

1x madolche ticket

1x forbidden lance

1x forbidden chalice

2x mystical spacetyphoon

1x dark hole

1x book of moon


2x breakthrough skill

1x compulse

1x bottomless trap hole

1x solemn warning

1x torrential

2x dimmensional prisonn

extra deck 7

3x queen tirimiesu

1x invvoker

1x number 17

1x leviair

Neospokemon (talkcontribs) 17:25, July 18, 2014 (UTC)