Forum:Darkworld Deck?

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So, lets wee what you think about this. Here is what I am currently using, although i am still missing a few cards, which are 1 Caius the Shadow Monarch, 1 Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, 1 Dark Resonator, and 2 Into the Voids to replace a mystic tomato, flamvell guard, enemy controller, cost down, and 1 other card. Additionally, due to the fact this is a test deck, my Mirror Force is not currently in here. Also, there is a severe lack of trap cards in here. Do you think I could try running royal decree for added protection? A last note, this deck is essentially a typical Darkworld deck with some synchro possibilities mixed in. Other than that, here's the list.

Well, this is my deck, tell me what your thoughts on it are, any improvement suggestions, or anything else you may want to say. Also, could I get a value on a few of these cards? The cards are the Dark World Dealings which are all Strike of Neos 1st ed supers, The Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark Worlds, which are either Gold Series 1 or 1st ed Elemental Energy Supers, and finally the Morphing Jar, which is a Dark Beginnings 2 unlimited Rare. Thanks in advance for everything. CardGamesFTW 03:47, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

About monsters, I see you will opt to have tuners but haven't mentioned any synchro monsters. "Stardust Dragon", "Red Dragon Archfiend", and "Goyo Guardian" are seem staple there. Why is there a monarch? Just replace him with "Plaguespreader Zombie". "Gren, Tactician of Dark World" is also absent and so does "Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World". "Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World could be used to control sychro summoning. Include "Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World", that's a kick ass card combined with "Dark Deal".

About Spells, there's too many of them! Remove "Cost Down", "Swords of Revealing Light" (because you don't have a stall deck but the opposite), and "The Cheerful Coffin". Add "Into the Void", "Gateway to Dark World", and "Mind Control.

About Traps, way too few! There's are supposed to be 3 "Dark Deal". Add "The Forces of Darkness", some negating traps for protection ("Dark Bribe" perhaps?), "Mind Crush", some "Bottomless Trap Hole", and an "Imperial Iron Wall" (side deck that card if you happen to duel a removal deck). --SilentHero26 07:42, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

Okay, let's get cracking. You definately need one more Sillva, since you absolutely need threes of Goldd and Sillva. Trust me, it's awesome xD As a tip, I'd say remove Creature swap. Comboing it with morphing jar is lovely in theory, but actually use it in a duel, is a bit troublesome. In my opinion, it's not worth the trouble and you should instead focus on and Allure or two. Even if the monster is removed from play, it still gives you a lovely new hand.

Remove Cost down, as it is completely needless in this deck, it probably won't o you any good, since you will be special summoning your highest monsters anyway trough discarding effects, that are not costs. You can also remove Swords of Revealing Light and ENemny Controller for one or two Solidarity, if your deck is solely fiend based. This will give some of your weaker monsters a much needed power boost.

Oh, and also, add one more Broww. More hand advantage. The Flamvell guard and Caius is a bit out of place, but i can see the Caius staying. Flamvell is just redundant, and should not be in this deck in my opinion. Beiige is is a very good card that really should be considered. With the Solidaritys, he will be quite the powerhorse that is easily accesible.

Wow, this turned out out be quite the post eh? Anyway, or traps, i really suggest you getting a Mirror Force, and yes, Royal Decree works wonders in this sort of deck, if you use a low number of traps. You can also consider using Skill Drain, as a sort of countering meta, since Dark World Monsters effects activate in the graveyard, they are not affected by it. last but not least, get three Dark Bribes. It will really help you form not getting those valuable discard cards negated, or keep your own monsters safe. Hope this helped, and have fun with the Dark World. If played right, they are very VERY fast ^^ Ziedric 13:39, May 23, 2010 (UTC)