Forum:Karakuri for Regionals

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My little brother will be using my Karakuri deck for the Regional tournament. We've ordered a Naturia Beast and Burei, and they will probably arrive the day before.

Don't tell me about Machine Duplication being bad. It's not - it makes me win.

Here's the side deck.

Alector's just there, I'm not sure if it's ever going to be used. Same with Battle Fader. D.D. Crow's good against a lot of decks, but I only have one at the moment. Kycoo's a good card as well although I doubt he'll need it. Maxx "C" is amazing (I got it a while back when it was less money) but I only have one. System Down is there because I only have one Chimeratech and two Cyber Dragons and because using Cyber Dragon is rather risky (due to Chimeratech). Bottomless and D-Prison are there for Agents and the like. Debunk stops lots of cards. Gottoms' is against Sabers. Grave may prove useful and is good against Lightsworn. Chivalry is against Gladiators, because I traded away Gladiator Taming.

The side deck could be much better, but my best side deck cards are in my Gladiator Beast Side Deck.

Would it be good to use more Traps?

How could I improve the Extra Deck? As I've said above, I only have one Maxx "C" and D.D. Crow. I had two Veilers but I traded them away, so they're not an option. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:52, October 25, 2011 (UTC)

I really recommend trying 3 Genex Neutron. Either run a full complement of traps or only run Dustshoot. Your call. By the way, on that note, Book of Moon may as well be considered a Trap. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:01, October 26, 2011 (UTC)

I don't own any Genex Neutron at the moment. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 12:50, October 26, 2011 (UTC)