Forum:LaDDisaster Dragon..

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Hello guys good evening.. At last after a long long vacation, I am now back to kick some ass..

As you can see I like to post some deck formats all about dragon decks and I got a new format to drive..

Its called LaDDisaster Dragon.. A deck which focus on LaDD.. My cousin tried this deck format already and this deck really strikes players.. Here is the deck format I hope you'll like it..

I hope you'll like it.. Everyone can rate or comment about the format I run today.. And please enjoy giving suggestions.. Thank you.. kerwin (talkcontribs) 14:00, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

Q: Why 2x Five-Headed Dragon when it only exists for Future Fusion,

Q: Why Hand Destruction?

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 19:40, June 2, 2011 (UTC)


For Five-Headed Dragon I put 2 copies because I have 1 Dragon's Mirror in my side deck..

For Hand Destruction I put in my deck for anti-dead draw.. If you have 2 copies of Redmd in your hand you could simply put them in the grave then in the end phase you can special summon it or use Call of the Haunted or Monster Reborn for an instant combo.. Sometimes I remove it and put 1 copy of Solidarity for major atk boost..

I hope I answer your questions Resk.. And if you have any comments please feel free to comment.. Thanks..kerwin (talkcontribs) 03:28, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

Ace's Section

Why do you run Drago? It could slow down your deck, potentially. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 13:38, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

I want a section too

Maybe side out "Mind Crush" and use "Dodger Dragon" instead.

Designless Square (talkcontribs) 19:15, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

My Section

Answer for Ace: Actually Dragon isn't bacd for any type of Disaster Dragon decks as long as you know how to play it..

And for Designless: Mind Crush is another good card for Disaster Dragon decks because it give s any player a +2 advantage if you guess it wrong or correct.. Why?? Simply because if your answer is correct the opponent will be forced to get his card copies to the grave and if you answer wrong then you could discard Red Eyes Wyvern of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the grave so you could do any massive combo with Red Eyes..

That's all of my answer this time.. And anyway its really hard for a Philippine player to find Dodger Dragon.. That's all and have a good day..kerwin (talkcontribs) 00:33, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Everyone else seems to be doing it...

On Hand Destruction: While it may prevent Dead Draws, it does very little at 1. Aside from that, it does 2 things: Costs you one card for no distinct gain, and allows your opponent to improve their hand at no cost. If you have a good hand, or if you have 1 or fewer cards when you draw it, Hand Destruction is itself a Dead Draw. While it is good occasionally, that "good" is pretty rare, and extremely inconsistent. Hand Destruction has little place outside of Mill and possibly Fabled. It is an inherent minus, something to be avoided at all costs.

On Solidarity: Solidarity is not a card that you run 1 of. It should be at 3, 2, or not at all. Some people like 2 because it dead draws less, but I've never had a problem with that, and I run a full 3 copies (in a different deck). Either max it or don't play it at all. End of story.

On KM Drago: You're right, there was a time when the card was good in Disaster Dragon. That was the time when LS and BW were tier 1 and when Book of Moon was Unlimited. That time has passed. At this point, Drago should be a side deck card at most. Speaking of Side Decking, it seems that you don't really get the point of side decking. It's not to just switch up your deck and try something different. It's to bring in cards specifically chosen for the purpose of hurting the opposing deck(s), while still flowing well with your own deck. Solidarity, Dragon's Mirror, they aren't side deck cards. Either main them or don't play them.

On Mind Crush: You had better go retake your last math course if you think Mind Crush is a guaranteed +2. Situation 1, you guess correctly: You lose Mind Crush. Your opponent loses the card in hand. - 1 + 1 (2 if you're very lucky) = +0 (+1 if lucky). Situation 2, you guess wrong: You lose Mind Crush, and you lose a random card from your hand. Even if this happens to be Wyvern or REDMD, you still lose the card. - 1 - 1 = -2. In the scenario where you can then summon REDMD, then you end at -1. That being said, it's a good card if used correctly, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.

One thing that I see time and time again from newer (and sometimes older) players is that they'll post their deck asking for advice, then refuse all suggestions, including the ones that would help the deck greatly, and claim the deck is fine the way it is. My suggestion to you is this: don't ask for help if you don't actually want it. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:55, June 11, 2011 (UTC)


Actually Lappyzard.. Im not asking for help.. Im just sharing what deck format I run today and what deck I love the most.. For the Solidarity, Mind Crush and Koa'ki Meiru Drago all that you said is right.. I admit it personally.. But I didin't play this cards because they are -2, side deck cards or what ever everyone calls.. I play it and run for my deck because I know that every idea that comes out on my mind and my cousin is good.. Of course every person's idea sometimes bad or good.. But for my case, I run those cards because I trust on the idea that my cousin gave to me.. And I did not play Disaster Dragon deck just to follow or copy cards on what every person puts in to there decks.. I play Disaster Dragon deck because of two things.. 1. I play it because I like it and 2. I like strategy games and hard to handle decks like this..

No offense..kerwin (talkcontribs) 01:09, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Well, this IS the Deck Help Forum... And you DID say "please enjoy giving suggestions.." Most people would arrive at the conclusion that you were looking for suggestions to help your deck. And it's obvious you don't play Disaster Dragon to copy the good decks. If you did, you'd be playing a netdecked Six Samurai deck. Most people play the deck they play for those same reasons: They like it, and they like strategy games (obviously, they play yugioh). If you like having a deck that's hard to handle, then I suggest making it the best it can be, and that means making improvements. And if you didn't want to copy cards, you wouldn't be running Trunade, MST, Reborn, Dark Hole, Book, Mirror Force, Call of the Haunted, Seven Tools, Solemn Judgment, Torrential Tribute, or Solemn Warning. Face facts: cards are popular for a reason, the reason being that they're good and they make decks that they are in better. And I still don't get how EVERYONE manages to spell my name wrong, even when it's right in front of them. >.< Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 01:27, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Kerwin, I think that Lappy is right about the side deck part, and if you want to make a real side to hurt opposing decks, then I suggest looking at Cards to have in a side deck, depending on what deck you face the most.
Off topic, Lappyzard, I just shorten your name to Lappy, and I just noticed your name rhymes with Charizard! (No Offense). :). --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 17:16, June 11, 2011 (UTC)
Off topic response, most people do, and good job noticing it, that's where the name comes from (Lapras + Charizard = Lappyzard. I got the nickname from a friend.) Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 17:46, June 11, 2011 (UTC)


Well I guess your write about the Deck Help Forum.. And I did say "please enjoy giving suggestions.." But I did not say it because I need help.. I said it because I want to know every people how they like my deck format or not.. And sorry I hate Six Sams so I don't like net decking or playing Six Sams Deck.. And I play MST, Mirror Force, D.Hole, Monster Reborn, Giant Trunade, Solemn Judgement and Solemn Warning, Torrential, Call of the Haunted and Seven Tools because they are staples.. I know why they like those cards because of their powerful effects and popularity.. So please.. Let's stop it ok.. And to Dark Ace yeah I know his right..

Ok that's it.. No more .. kerwin (talkcontribs) 03:47, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

That's fine. Don't worry too much about it, but I think that's it is just second nature for a duelist to give suggestions on a deck they think could be better, that's all. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 04:06, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah.. I guess your right.. Its me kerwin..