Forum:Madolche (Lupe's Holiday)

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Pots of Duality are in the side. Don't want to ruin the surprise.

The loop works when the opponent controls something with high ATK and you have a Warrior on the field and in your hand. You ram their monster with Messengelato or Chouxvalier, use Desperate Tag to prevent the Battle Damage and bring out another Gelato/Choux, return the first one to your hand with Chateau, ram the monster with the other Choux or Gelato, and repeat until the easily searched Waltz deals infinite damage. Alternatively you can kill the opponent with the Magileine loop like a normal person. Designless Square (talkcontribs) 01:32, October 24, 2012 (UTC)

I know that you're going for a loop and all, but it seems a little too inconsistant. I have made a Madolche deck and it wasn't an OTK version but worked really well. First off Terraforming really isn't needed since Madolche have their own field searcher, Madolche Butlerusk, which is better since it combos nicely with Mew. If you really need to return monsters to your hand you can use Madolche Croiwanssant which combos really nicely when you have Ticket on the field with Chateau, and speaking of Ticket another one may be helpful. Double summon can be helpful at points, but is not a good choice when you could use that space for something else and the Dark Bribes seem like they could be dropped, if you're worried about mass removal then you could use Starlight/My Body as a Shield, which is you're using Shield you may need to be a little wary due to the LP cost. You could stand to use atleast 1 Puddingcess and drop a MST since Puddingcess would destroy a backrow when she attacks. And I know that you said that Duality is in the side, but it shouldn't really matter if you don't want to ruin the surprise or not, it would help you draw into your combos quicker even if you have to perform it a turn later. Sorry if none of this helped you since you have a combo going for you, but Madolche seem like they're one of those sets that work better at swarming rather than OTKing. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 20:23, October 24, 2012 (UTC)

Butlerusk doesn't trigger off of Mewfeuille. You have to Normal Summon it so it will usually take at least a turn. Gelato works though. Croiwanssant is cool but doesn't help me approach my victory condition. Bribe is not just for mass removal. It also protects the loops. Puddingcess isn't bad, but she doesn't achieve anything for this Deck. If the opponent has a monster smaller than 2100 I can run over it, and if it's larger than 2100 I can win. MST clears the backrow to, again, protect the loops.
Duality is a critical piece of this Deck and swaps in for Reckless Greed in Game 2 and 3, along with stuff to deal with Debunk/Soul Drain/Deck Devastation Virus.
Madolche has the power to be a serious Deck, but I'm not going for that. What do you suggest over Double Summon? Designless Square (talkcontribs) 15:06, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sorry I haven't really played Madolches in a while since I've been testing a T.G. Wind-Up deck lately, so I forgot that Butlerusk had to be normal summoned. But I would probably replace Double Summon with maybe a Madolche Happy Festa or 2, yes you would have to set it for a turn but you would be able to special summon as many Madolches from you hand as you want, which could help in certain situations when you need some Xyz monsters for help. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 03:25, October 26, 2012 (UTC)

allrighty the first thing you need to do get rid of all non madolche cards, and get 1 madolche puddingcess (talk) 08:50, November 9, 2012 (UTC)