Forum:March 2012 Forbidden & Limited Lists

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Its been confirmed, comments? (talk) 13:28, February 18, 2012 (UTC)




Unlimited (only cards new to unlimited shown)

—This unsigned comment was made by (talkcontribs) 13:28, February 18, 2012

Already confirmed before dis. --FredCat 13:29, February 18, 2012 (UTC)
Should I delete this then? I was thinking it would be better to start this new thread about it though, rather than keeping it in the predictions. (talk) 13:42, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

My opinions:


Glow-Up Bulb I can understand this one, it has to be at 0 or 3 and its a really strong and splashable card

Spore This one is stupid imo, they ban bulb, so the plant engine is hurt bad enough... but WHY also ban spore? Makes no sense to me.

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier We still have Mist Wurm, so I don't really care about this one. But for a person who bases his deck around summoning him, ouch!

Trap Dustshoot never see this card, limited would be fine, only usable on first turn. (most of the times)


T.G. Striker This could really hurt a T.G deck. Beware Tech Ginus.

The Agent of Mystery - Earth Agreed that gents needed a hit, but why hit this?


Marshmallon was fine at one,

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner with 3 judgment dragons and a second lumina, lightsworns might be back.

Emergency Teleport Agree, teledad is gone, and psychics need this

Shien's Smoke Signal no opinion,

Level Limit - Area B disagree, we already have Gravity bind, and if you don't run XYZ's this card is a pain in the ass.

Torrential Tribute would be fine... IF they had banned dark hole again

Ultimate Offering makes sense

Reborn Tengu same reason as d-hero malicious was semi'd some time ago, so agree.

Unlimited (only cards new to unlimited shown)

Call of the Haunted Agree, who would run 3 anyway?

just my opinions Jens (talkcontribs) 13:39, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Thats crap...non of my decks got hit (thanks god DW aren't topping,neither do blackwings) but im angry of these damn inzektors gonna run full potential for another 6 months anyway here are my comments:

  • trish-well we have mist wurm and brio (its gonna be 1 bouncy format)
  • dustshoot-had a feeling. Wanna see the opp hand? Run dragged down
  • bulb and spore-plants had it but yeah i still think that the card to hit is dandy
  • torrential-now ppl can go ahead and stop using dark hole
  • striker-cool agents got hit and that was the most annoying non extra tg
  • agent earth-agents sooo had it coming
  • level limit-just knew it.ever since bind got unlimited i knew this card is gonna be semid.
  • offering-oh well no comment it generates a very strong tribute engine (gadgets)

well the rest are just lol LG talk My own Guides 14:17, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Wow, this latest banlist is completely Anti-Synchro. Trishula I can understand to a degree, and either Bulb or Spore would be bearable, but both? Seriously? I don't think Trap Dustshoot is powerful enough to be banned. Regarding T.G. Striker I'm on the fence. If they're going to hit Earth, they might as well take Hyperion with it. Marshmallon was better at 1, but I suppose Lightsworns could use an extra Lumina, since they haven't been that used lately. Emergency Teleport I'm ok with, but Shien's Smoke should've stayed the way it was. Level Limit was pretty obvious. Torrential Tribute might've been fine if not for the current status of Dark Hole. Ultimate Offering never should've been Limited anyway. I'm suspecting this list is for the TCG version, since I have yet to hear Reborn Tengu in the OCG, but many people saw its Semi-Limited status coming. My biggest surprise though was to see Call of the Haunted Unlimited and I'll say the same thing I did when BLS-Envoy of the Beginning was Limited-it can go right back on the list just like that. Overall,not very pleased with it. Hopefully the one in September will hit the Inzektors, and unlimit at least 1 of the Plant Tuners.--PoirotH (talkcontribs) 14:43, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Man. Talk about 6 months of inzektors nothing to laugh at.i better make my decks inzektor-proof. Might think of making a rabbit deck LG talk My own Guides 15:02, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

(Response to "PoirotH") That one inzektor that equips onto another, then destroys a card hopefully will get hit in september (I'm going to be honest, every Inzektor person I Dueled, abuses that card so much. And I mean to the point where they can get rid of 4 of your cards with little effort each turn). Trishula isn't as bad as "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" (Brionac is more of a menace, and too easy to play. I'm surprised they didn't ban that instead of Trishula. I know Trishula can remove a card in 3 spaces, but the effect is only a one time use, while Brionacs return card ability, can be used as many times as you want). Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 16:32, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Brionac's getting a reprint for Europe, Australia, and Latin America... Meaning no ban. BLS is getting an OCG reprint so he's still here. Apparently Konami doesn't like splashable engines, as they hit Plants and Striker. Of course, splashable Tour Guide and Rabbit weren't hit. Too new to lose profit? Or better yet, do they even make profit from sites like CoreTCG sales? Djjomon (talkcontribs) 17:13, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Im seeing lots of sycnhro stuff getting banned, is this konami's way of making us play xyzs more by confiscating are best best synchro cards? I am ok with the list but I think konami will refuse to hit danylion any further because it is 1 of the few cards that encourage the use of tokens. It's maybe to keep the decks that rely on tributes alive. Wow even with both spore and glowup bulb sharing the "once per duel" line they both get banned?!?. I'm not seeing any new xyzs monsters take a hit, must be good for their marketing to spare them from the banlist. Looks like we will have to wait a few more formats before xyzs start to take some hits. Persoanally I want to see advanced ritual art go back to 2, seen as ritual monsters are hardly played at all , besides gishkis. The main annoyance for allot of duelists will be inzectors, wind-ups and dino rabbit not taking ANY hits at all. They 've been completly ignored despite how much they mess up the format. I was also hoping pot of greed would get limited, but instead konami taunts us with Shard of Greed, their way of saying pot of greed will never come back. We can only hope that the next format will be an improvement from this.

[email protected] (talkcontribs) 18:24, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Six sams are getting serious search power.we need another super splashable tuner and i nominate plaguespreader zombie.RIP plants LG talk My own Guides 19:58, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Plague is gonna be the new Bulb, it practically was Bulb anyway. Maybe he'll get banned too next format... Djjomon (talkcontribs) 20:49, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Oh no. With the lightrays in GAOV and 2 luminas,lightsworns are so gonna dominate. LG talk My own Guides 21:20, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Smoke Signal at 2, hell yeah! That is all I have to say. Well, except for...don't whine about Six Sams getting "A lot more search power." It's one copy of the card. Personally, I've been saying they needed to ban Shi En because he's OP and let us work off Asceticism, United, Cunning, and Smoke Signal, all at 3. It's not OP, unless you consider Gateway, which I believe should also be banned with Shi En.

Anyway, other thoughts...Damn, they limit Earth just as I get a bunch of Agents. Oh well, I can still try to play the deck. I REALLY like that they took out Plants. I'm surprised about COTH but I'm also REALLY shocked that they didn't take down MST to 2 or 1. Ninjas kinda get hosed if they get hit with MST on top of Super Transformation. I thought they wanted people to play the new archetypes...oh well.Snowpaw (talkcontribs) 02:09, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Limit MST? Why would you ever want that? Yes you could run the new MST-like card but that isn't fast enough, if you wanted something chainable you'd have to run Dust Tornado. And since most people only run two MST semi would be pointless, but I like it at three since there are people who play too much backrow and prefer the third over heavy. (talk) 02:42, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Ok everybody enjoy a format where tiers will completley chagne into something like:tier1-LS holy marks inzektors wind up and dino rabbits

tier 1.5-decks that were tier1 LG talk My own Guides 21:17, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe man, I just learned about Trap Dustshoot and just started using it last week.

I was also about to buy a Trishula, but I guess I just saved myself $40. Of course, I still need to buy a Mist Wurm, Brionac, and Catastor, so I pretty much just replaced one card to buy with another. Oddly though, Mist Wurm seems to have jumped up by $12 in the last 24 hours. Yesterday he was selling on ebay for $8-10, now I cannot find him for anything under $22.

As for the others, I don't really care about them, but it is nice to know that Marshmallon can have 2 in a deck again. Why is CotH unlimited now though?

BTW, what is the big deal about Inzektors and Wind-Ups?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 04:38, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

(answering dr kain)Wind ups and inzektors are the toughest decks here and we all wished them getting a hit but they didn't so we are in trouble. LG talk My own Guides 05:03, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Hardest decks to use or to play against?

And I guess why would any cards from a booster set released earlier this month have banned cards in it?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 05:35, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

  • Inzektors can destroy the majority of or your entire field while adding a card to their hand to start the loop again AND they can make a Wind-Up Zenmaines or Number 17: Leviathan Dragon or other rank 3 while they're at it. And this is once per turn three turns in a row, more with Pot of Avarice or a similar card.
  • Wind-Ups have a really annoying loop (Maxx "C", Effect Veiler and D.D. Crow are the only real answers) that completely discards your hand first turn. If you go second without drawing those cards chances are you've lost unless you run a very grave reliant deck and can top deck like a beast, or run Infernities (although some Wind-Up players still discard your hand because that's all they know how to do).
  • And to answer your question on the other page (about Rabbit decks), if they go first turn and manage to draw into a Rescue Rabbit or a Tour Guide From the Underworld and Gold Sarcophagus they can get rabbit out, use its effect to banish it for two dinosaurs and overlay them for Evolzar Laggia. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't first turn with a possible Solemn Judgment and/or Solemn Warning and/or Bottomless Trap Hole and/or Dimensional Prison and/or Forbidden Lance, etc, all set in their back row. AKA they get out a Solemn Judgement monster (Laggia) and set more Solemns. Getting everything negated's a bitch. It's also because the deck is so expensive, it changes the game from who can play the best to who can fork out the most money for coloured cardboard.
  • Fun fact: Both Inzektor and Rabbit decks can work flawlessly (some previous setup needed for Inzektors) with Dimensional Fissure. (talk) 06:15, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Good to know, as it is a good thing I have both an Effect Veiler and a D.D. Crow in my Nordic Deck. Is this also a case when Royal Prison would be a good thing? And I know all about Leviathan Dragon, as I also occassionally put one in my Nordic Deck since there are so many LVL3 monsters.

However, like I said before, I'm not surprised they aren't banned yet, as Inzektors just came out this month and the Wind-Ups came out in Nov.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:21, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

The "Let's give them a chance" doesn't mean crap . To shorten reading down a bit look to the end of this post.
What deck with broken combos has been given 6 more months to rape the meta? It's obvious what the decks can do. The second the next banlists come out most (if not all) broken decks/cards are instantly hit.
There is no reason Wind-Ups, Inzektors or Rabbits shouldn't be hit at the very least partially. Yet they haven't even been touched even slightly.
(not sure how to make a normal table but this will do)
Guadalajara YCS top 32

Monster Cards

  • 1 Six Samurai
  • 2 Dino Rabbit
  • 3 Inzektors
  • 4 Inzektors
  • 5 Wind-Ups
  • 6 Wind-Ups
  • 7 Dino Rabbit
  • 8 Synchrocentric (Plants)
  • 9 Wind-Ups
  • 10 Six Samurai

Spell Cards

  • 11 Chaos
  • 12 Wind-Ups
  • 13 Agent Faries
  • 14 Gravekeepers
  • 15 T.G.'s
  • 16 Wind-Ups
  • 17 Wind-Ups/Inzektors
  • 18 Wind-Ups
  • 19 Anti-Monster Scraps
  • 20 Wind-Ups

Trap Cards

  • 21 Synchrocentric (Plants)
  • 22 Dark World
  • 23 Dino Rabbit
  • 24 Wind-Ups
  • 25 Dino Rabbit
  • 26 Six Samurai
  • 27 Synchrocentric (Plants)
  • 28 Inzektors
  • 29 Wind-Ups
  • 30 Inzektors
  • 31 Inzektors
  • 32 Dino Rabbit
  • 9 Wind-Ups
  • 5 Rabbits, Inzektors
  • 3 Six Samurai, Plants
  • 1 Wind-Up/Inzektors, Chaos, T.G.'s, GK's, DW's, Scrap Stun, Agents (talk) 09:26, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but the reason for Mist Wurm going up is because it's replacing Trishula. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 14:12, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

But its gonna be silly if they hit every lvl 9 synchro there is.cuz some people will run AoJ field marshal LG talk My own Guides 14:33, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

What is Guadalajara YCS top 32?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 16:37, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

It's the top 32 players/decks in the YuGiOh Championships in that particular area.
AKA top 32 out of potentially thousands of people. (talk) 21:40, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Really? That is a shame, no one is using a Nordic deck.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 23:32, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Worst part is that both the wind-ups and the Inzektors will just go 'lalalala' for 6 months now. Inzektors is a strong deck, but at least its somewhat fair. But getting your hand discarded first turn (haven't had it yet on DN luckily) is just... WTF. Please Konami, for the first time, add something to the list even though it's already official. Jens (talkcontribs) 23:47, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

If the problem gets too much, they could always emergency ban something in the middle of the format, but chances are they won't. (talk) 23:59, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

The only way we'll see an emergency ban is when the World Championships happen, as that's the only time that the OCG will really feel the pain of the Wind-Up loop. Until then we can only wait and feel the pain ourselves.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 05:56, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Dr Kain that's because Nordics aren't a very good archetype. They'd be tier 3 at best, infact I think Plants would be a better deck even after this banlist. (talk) 07:59, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

My thoughts on the new banlist

Honestly, I have no objections to these selections, except for "Glow-Up Bulb" and "Spore". With those cards now on the Forbidden list, several Decks have become unusable, and will have to be greatly modified.

Not to mention, those are key cards in a "T.G."-based Deck, as well as a Deck focusing on cards like "Shooting Quasar Dragon". That is what disgusts me the most about Konami's choice of banning "Glow-Up Bulb" and "Spore".

While "T.G. Striker" has been Limited to 1, that's not entirely bad, but it does cripple several strategies involving "Inferno Reckless Summon". When "Striker" was Unlimited, "Inferno Reckless Summon" could let you summon up to 3 for massive Synchro Summoning.

With these key cards now modified or banned, I'm thinking "T.G." users and Synchro users will be the most disgusted about it. And even though I do not Duel directly, I do research Decks a lot, modifying them for different strategies.

So, those are my thoughts.

--1exodiafan1 (talkcontribs) 12:39, February 21, 2012 (UTC)1exodiafan1

I'm thinking T.G. and Plant players would be more disgusted about what wasn't hit.
You can always choose a new archetype to play, or edit your deck in a way that you weren't really that hurt by the list (a replacement may be hard for plants), but you can't change the fact Wind-Ups WILL discard your entire hand if they go first, Inzektors WILL destroy your entire field every turn and Rabbit WILL negate everything you do.
Although this may just be my personal hate for autopilot decks speaking. (talk) 14:01, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Many people ignore the fact that after wind ups are done with the loop they are out of moves due to everything tributed and detached so the best that they can do is attacking directly for low damage LG talk My own Guides 16:26, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

[quote]Dr Kain that's because Nordics aren't a very good archetype. They'd be tier 3 at best, infact I think Plants would be a better deck even after this banlist. (talk) 07:59, February 21, 2012 (UTC)[/quote]

How are they not a good archtype? I personally think they are one of the best sets in the game and can be very competitive if play right.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 16:53, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Well nordics stand no chance against the currunt meta inzektors can kill their synchros 4+ times in one turn and they are not very likley to have 4 tuners in grave to revive them every time also laggia and dolkka both can kill the synchros LG talk My own Guides 17:34, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Going to say a few things about Wind-Ups:

  1. The Loop puts in a ton of work but it's not the only issue. They have explosive plays and can do a lot of things other than loop
  2. They have many moves after the loop
  3. Usually the loop will not discard more than 4 cards unless they have Pot of Avarice.

As for Nordics, they're decent if built and played well but not that good, especially in a format where people kill your hand and field with effects. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 17:37, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

I'm sorry to say Kain but yeah, Nordics aren't top tier. At best they can be tier 2 - 1.5 if built properly. In fact with my Nordics I have a saying 'If I can get two gods on the field then you need to change something in your deck.', Nordics I think are the archetype which is sort of the gatekeepers between the meta decks and the rogue decks and how you fair against them sorts your deck into either being meta or a rogue deck. As for how they're fairing this format, well let's just say that when Torrential goes to 2 then Nordics will be at an even bigger disadvantage. The only real thing that can save them now is more support but it seems like many other archetypes Nordics will be an archetype left behind and forgotten, well at least for another five or six years.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 18:46, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

If you think about it,gravekeeper's can work well against the current meta,necrovalley blocks inzektors from grabbing horndt from the grave. Will also stop rat. Also people just need to wake up and start siding some mirror of oaths! LG talk My own Guides 18:50, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

for the exception of trish my deck was uneffected by this even though it synchs a lot do to the fact that it is a laval shooting quazar deck. Killerman3333 (talkcontribs) 19:59, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

also just a note necrovally stops rabbit from using its effect. Killerman3333 (talkcontribs) 20:04, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

No, necrovalley's "can't banish" restriction is only applied on the grave NOT thd field but the deck can still have combos to wreck it;both decks are backrow troll decks (rabbits set like 3 or 4 backrow aside from a laggia while gravekeeper's play necrovalley and set a spy then play their famous royal tribute then set 2-4 backrow) LG talk My own Guides 22:48, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Just posting this link for those of you who don't want to believe Shriek.

Click This Link! ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 23:44, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Someone on the forums was really mad last format about having trap dustshoot+2 mind crush and now BAM dustshoot is down LG talk My own Guides 13:29, February 23, 2012 (UTC)

I think they hated plants more.
I can see why Glow-Up Bulb since taking him out kills the future fusion quasar deck, but banning Spore, semi'ing Reborn Tengu is plant overkill. I could see Tengu and Bulb being hit but there'd be no reason to hit Spore as well.
And yeah, you have to admit, first turn dustshoot gave you a really good advantage over your opponent.
Also, anyone know when the banlist is being updated on DuelingNetwork? (talk) 23:45, February 23, 2012 (UTC)
It will be updated early in the morning on March 1st. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 18:39, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

I hate this list because I run Agents and TG. Hopefully my new Photon deck and the New Six Spamurai deck that's in the works will do something. I'm shocked at the low prices for some the better cards, such as Synchro Shien. 7 dollars is nice. Thank you reprints for the other good cards, 25 cents Grandmasters and Shogun Shiens. Next format I'd like to see TG Striker at 2 prehaps. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 04:38, February 26, 2012 (UTC)

I doubt Photon will get much better.
But a few of the cards are actually decent, I'm sure there will be a few new additions and there's always the possibility someone will come up with an amazing deck noone's ever thought about before, I wouldn't hold my breath though. (talk) 05:54, February 26, 2012 (UTC)