Forum:My Gladiator/Catbox Deck - v.8

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Here it is...

I've been testing this deck over and over (and over and over and over and over) again, and I've created this deck. Its about killing your enemy's back row, or at least locking it down, for a turn, and creating card advantage with Rescue Cat and my fellow Glads. Before judging my card choices, please read my reasoning, posted below the list. This is my final result, so far...

Extra Deck:

"Constructive criticism only!" Andal roars...

Side Deck:

Here is my explaination for my choice of unusual cards, and the lack of commonly used cards:

  • I chose Respite because I can pull it out of my deck with Samnite, and rid my hand of dead cards, like Secutor, Murmillo, and the like.
  • I play two Equeste in case I draw it, one dies (or its RFG'd), or if only one can't get the job done.
  • I use two Solemns because I recently had a format change (OCG to TCG), and those cards are worth a fortune...
  • Retiari isn't here because there is no longer a need for him. No Plaguespreader, no Mezuki, no get the point.
  • Sangan isn't here because he's too slow for this new deck.
  • Morphing Jar is too slow, too.
  • Prisma is dead; I've tried to slip it in the deck, and I failed.

Thank you for reading my deck, and any comments on it are welcome. Also, please comment on my Side Deck. You can duel me on MSN, at '[email protected]'.