Forum:Returning to Yu-Gi-Oh!

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Returning to Yu-Gi-Oh! after not playing since 2001, at request of some players at the local gameshop where I frequent. There's a tournament coming up, nothing to grand, just local players, and was just gonna try to get some insight as to if this deck I threw together with some card lots I bought online was good enough. (I know I am prolly missing some tournament staple cards, and the deck itself could be better, I'm asking what I can do to improve it, and if it's even worth it to continue with this build) Thanks for any assistance :) P.S. Went with spell casters because I had a bunch of them left over in my collection from when I started back in 99', and I saw some people say there was some support for them.

Mazuick (talkcontribs) 16:36, March 26, 2016 (UTC)

It's better if you choose to use a "Dark Magician" or a Spell Counter Deck. There is going to be new support for "Dark Magician" in The Dark Illusion. --Missign0 (talkcontribs) 02:00, March 29, 2016 (UTC)