Forum:Three Crimson Crisis Boxes Later . . . .

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Well Guys like I said, My Team was getting three Crimson Crisis Boxes and WE DID IT!

So here is what we pulled in a nut shell I guess

2x Twilight Rose, 2x Armor Master, 3x Gale of Whirl Black Feather, 4x Thron Walls, 2x Sky Fire Reactor card, Greed Qusar, Ultiamte Rare Arcane Magican Buster Mode, and and bunch of other stuff that we are very happy to get lol!

Now for the things we pulled that are up for trade!

These are for sell/trade so you guys let me know if you are intersted

Zeta Reticulant, Hyper Psychic Blaster, 3x Planet Pollutant Virus, Code A Ancient Ruins, Alien Kid, 2x Alien Overlord, 2x Royal Swamp Eel, 2x Alien Ammonite, 2x Sky Fires, Thorn Wall, Violet Witch,

And Here it is baby. What everyone is looking for! 2X COSMIC FORTRESS GOL'GAR, RED DRAGON ARCHFIEND BUSTER MODE GHOST RARE!!!!!!!!! (Believe it or not but my little 8-year old brother pulled the Chost Rare lol!)

So yeah you guys let me know if you are wiling to buy or trade for these. We are looking for . . .

2x Arcane Magican, 4x Dark strike Fighters, 2x Turret Warroir, 2x Solem Judement, 2x Tythens, Godess of light, 2x Scanners, Black Slavo, Deimension Fortress Weapon, 2x BlazeWing ButterFly, 2x Dandylion, 3x Honest, Puppet King TheDivineDuelist 02:56, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

blazewing butterfly

whats so desirable about it? The three egyptian gods 07:06, 6 March 2009 (UTC)


I need it for my Plant Deck TheDivineDuelist 07:25, 6 March 2009 (UTC)


I bought a box today at a local shop and thanks to it and a few good trades I am a few steps away from completing my plant deck. I got Violet Witch, Twilight Rose Knight and a few others including Inmato.

I also got a super rare form of Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode, and one of the secrets called Zeta Reticulant which was soooo sweet! I just wish I could have gotten the two synchro's, [[[Hyper Psychic Blaster]] (since I have his assault form) and Arcanite Magician and I would have wished to have gotten his assault mode as well but meh.

OH and in case anyone is wondering...during the whole tournament thing which happens here every Friday…I only lost once! So yay plants all of you can call me Aki, don't worry I won't be embarrassed *snickers* Just kidding! Ohh speaking of which I got a good number of Vengeful Servant so I would love to pull that combo off on someone.

Sandy Sagebrush 08:53, 7 March 2009 (UTC)