Forum:Zombie World Swarm

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this is my zombie swarming deck it runs pretty fast and takes about 2/5 to 3/5 wins at locals depending on the day. I'm not really sure how I can better it so I can maybe top 8, tell me what you think plz

From what i can see it ok

i like zombie's and i run a all zombie deck im about 4/5-5/5 but lose to the X-sabers format Here is mine but maybe we can help each other out, i like a few cards you have that i dont and im trying to get a few extra, Stardust, Red Dragon Archfiend, GoyoGuardain, Mezuki, BlackRose Dragon,Solemn Judgement, Mirror Force, Black BrutDrago

that's interesting, it doesn't really look like the main strategy of your deck is swarm like with mine but I am interested, how does it work? 20:43, May 14, 2010 (UTC)

Deck structure

is a massive summon deck put i run into problem by my monsters not being strong enough with out pyramid of wonder of the solidarity but the main theme is a mill deck and i have maxed out with 5 syncros on the field at the same time but i have 4 other zombie deck im looking to tag team tournaments, but im still doing some edits, but for a test hand i got, solidarity,torrential tribute,pyramid of wonders,sakuretsu armor,spirit reaper, and goblin zombie this deck primary goal is to strike, and forcing to to kill my monsters to i can summon il,blud then next turn i would gemini summon il, blud and special summo n the monster that they killed last turn to special another monster that is stronger, and when ever i run into a monster that i cant kill, i change my plan to start milling there deck but i cant kill x-sabers like that though

well that's definitely an interesting idea but I'm not sure how to get around x-sabers...get back to me if you figure it out because I've never one more than one game in a match against x-sabers :/ 07:10, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

my friend plays zombies and he has an easy way to get around x-sabers. he realized that most x-saber monsters are weak and the entire deck almost relies on faultroll. he uses 3x of prohibition and an earthbound immortal chacu chacahalla to make sure that they cant get faultroll or attack. he also uses zombie beatsticks like zombie master and paladin of the cursed dragon--Bwinggale 19:41, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

yea prohibition would work but it has to stay on the field otherwise its no use and most people sync,for that new x-saber, you know the one that allows you to destroy 3 spell and trap cards on the field, in order for me to beat i would have to make them deck out but that doesnt work because they want the monsters in the graveyard -- 20:43, May 15, 2010 (UTC)