Life Absorbing Machine (Tag Force 1)

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Life Absorbing Machine
Seimei Kyūshū Sōchi
Card type Trap
Property Continuous
Rarity Common
Internal number 5312
Password 14318794

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase your Life Points by an amount equal to half of the total Life Points you have paid in your very last turn.

Obtained by

"Life Absorbing Machine" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Life Absorbing Machine" is part of the following genres:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Absorbeur de Vie À chacune de vos Standby Phases augmentez vos Life Points d'un nombre égal à la moitié des Life Points que vous avez payés dans votre tour précédent.
German Leben absaugende Maschine In jeder deiner Standby Phasen, erhöhe deine Life Points um die Hälfte der gesamten Life Points, die du in deinem letzten Spielzug bezahlt hast.
Italian Macchina Assorbi-Vita Durante ogni tua Standby Phase, aumenta i tuoi Life Points di un ammontare di punti pari a metà del totale di Life Points che hai pagato nel tuo ultimo turno.
Spanish Máquina Absorbevida Durante cada una de tus Standby Phases, aumenta tus Life Points en una cantidad igual a la mitad del total de Life Points que hayas pagado en tu último turno.
