Set Card Lists:Rise of Destiny (TCG-PT)

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Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
RDS-PT001"Woodborg Inpachi""Inpachi Madeiraborg"CommonNormal Monster
RDS-PT002"Mighty Guard""Guarda Poderoso"CommonNormal Monster
RDS-PT003"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi, o Vagão Assustador"CommonNormal Monster
RDS-PT004"Harpie Girl""Rapariga Harpia"CommonNormal Monster
RDS-PT005"The Creator""O Criador"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT006"The Creator Incarnate""Materialização do Criador"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT007"Ultimate Insect LV3""Inseto Supremo LV3"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT008"Mystic Swordsman LV6""Homem das Espadas Místicas LV6"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT009"Silent Swordsman LV3""Espadachim Silencioso LV3"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT010"Nightmare Penguin""Pinguim Pesadelo"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT011"Heavy Mech Support Platform""Plataforma de Suporte de Mech's Pesados"CommonUnion monster
RDS-PT012"Perfect Machine King""Rei das Máquinas Perfeitas"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT013"Element Magician""Mago do Elemento"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT014"Element Saurus""Saurus do Elemento"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT015"Roc from the Valley of Haze""Roca do Vale da Neblina"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT016"Sasuke Samurai 4""Samurai Sasuke Nº4"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT017"Harpie Lady 1""Lady Harpia 1"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT018"Harpie Lady 2""Lady Harpia 2"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT019"Harpie Lady 3""Lady Harpia 3"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT020"Raging Flame Sprite""Espírito da Chama Furioso"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT021"Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch""Thestalos, o Monarca da Tempestade de Fogo"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT022"Eagle Eye""Olho de Águia"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT023"Tactical Espionage Expert""Perito em Espionagem Táctica"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT024"Invasion of Flames""Invasão das Chamas"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT025"Creeping Doom Manta""Manta da Maldição Rastejante"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT026"Pitch-Black Warwolf""Lobo de Guerra Negro como Azeviche"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT027"Mirage Dragon""Dragão Miragem"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT028"Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective""Alma de Gaia, o Coletivo de Combustível"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT029"Fox Fire""Fogo da Raposa"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT030"Big Core""B.E.S. Núcleo Grande"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT031"Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast""Dragão Fuzileiro, a Besta de Dois Modos"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi, a Locomotiva da Canção de Batalha"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Flip monster
RDS-PT033"A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit""Equipa-A: Unidade de Desativação de Armadilhas"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
RDS-PT034"Homunculus the Alchemic Being""Homunculos, o Ser Alquímico"CommonEffect Monster
RDS-PT035"Dark Blade the Dragon Knight""Lâmina das Trevas, o Cavaleiro Dragão"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
RDS-PT036"Mokey Mokey King""Rei Mokey Mokey"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
RDS-PT037"Serial Spell""Magia em Série"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quick-Play Spell
RDS-PT038"Harpies' Hunting Ground""Terreno de Caça das Harpias"CommonField Spell
RDS-PT039"Triangle Ecstasy Spark""Faísca do Êxtase Triangular"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell
RDS-PT040"Necklace of Command""Colar do Comando"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell
RDS-PT041"Machine Duplication""Duplicação de Maquinas"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell
RDS-PT043"Mokey Mokey Smackdown""Ira de Mokey Mokey"CommonContinuous Spell
RDS-PT044"Back to Square One""Regresso ao Início"CommonNormal Spell
RDS-PT045"Monster Reincarnation""Reencarnação de Monstros"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell
RDS-PT046"Ballista of Rampart Smashing""Balista de Destruição de Defesas"CommonEquip Spell
RDS-PT047"Lighten the Load""Aliviar a Carga"CommonContinuous Spell
RDS-PT048"Malice Dispersion""Dispersão Maldosa"CommonQuick-Play Spell
RDS-PT049"Tragedy""Tragédia"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
RDS-PT050"Divine Wrath""Cólera Divina"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Counter Trap
RDS-PT051"Xing Zhen Hu""Xing Zhen Hu"CommonContinuous Trap
RDS-PT052"Rare Metalmorph""Metalmorph Raro"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap
RDS-PT053"Fruits of Kozaky's Studies""Frutos dos Estudos de Kozaky"CommonNormal Trap
RDS-PT054"Mind Haxorz""Hack Mental"CommonNormal Trap
RDS-PT055"Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan""Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan"CommonNormal Trap
RDS-PT056"Chain Burst""Explosão em Cadeia"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap
RDS-PT057"Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment""Círculo de Encantamentos de Pikeru"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
RDS-PT058"Spell Purification""Purificação de Magia"CommonNormal Trap
RDS-PT059"Astral Barrier""Barreira Astral"CommonContinuous Trap
RDS-PT060"Covering Fire""Cobertura de Fogo"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap