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Forbidden (禁止 Kinshi) cards, often unofficially called banned or at 0, are cards that players are not allowed to use in their Main Deck, Side Deck, or Extra Deck. Forbidden is a status used in Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. In the rarely-used TCG Traditional Format, Forbidden cards are instead Limited.



These cards are Forbidden as of April 1, 2024 for the OCG (Japanese and Simplified Chinese-exclusive) and April 15, 2024 for the TCG.

Monster Cards[edit]

CardJapanese nameOCGTCG
Agido the Ancient SentinelえいへいアギドForbiddenForbidden
Amazoness Archerアマゾネスの射手アマゾネスアーチャーForbiddenUnlimited
Artifact Scytheアーティファクト-デスサイズUnlimitedForbidden
Baronne de Fleurフルール・ド・バロネスUnlimitedForbidden
Barrier Statue of the StormwindsれっぷうけっかいぞうForbiddenForbidden
Blackwing - Gofu the Vague ShadowBFブラックフェザーおぼろかげのゴウフウForbiddenForbidden
Block DragonブロックドラゴンLimitedForbidden
Borreload Savage Dragonヴァレルロード・サベージ・ドラゴンUnlimitedForbidden
Cannon Soldierキャノン・ソルジャーForbiddenUnlimited
Cannon Soldier MK-2メガキャノン・ソルジャーForbiddenUnlimited
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragonこんとんりゅう カオス・ルーラーForbiddenForbidden
Crystron Halqifibrax水晶機巧クリストロン-ハリファイバーForbiddenForbidden
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominionライトロード・ドミニオン キュリオスUnlimitedForbidden
Cyber JarサイバーポッドForbiddenLimited
Djinn Releaser of RitualsしきじんリリーサーForbiddenForbidden
Eclipse Wyvernエクリプス・ワイバーンForbiddenForbidden
Elder Entity NordenキュウシンノーデンForbiddenForbidden
Fairy Tail - Snow妖精伝姫フェアリーテイル-シラユキUnlimitedForbidden
Fiber JarファイバーポッドForbiddenForbidden
Fishborg Blasterフィッシュボーグ-ガンナーForbiddenForbidden
Glow-Up Bulbグローアップ・バルブLimitedForbidden
Grinder Golemトーチ・ゴーレムForbiddenForbidden
Guardragon AgarpainしゅりゅうアガーペインForbiddenForbidden
Guardragon ElpyしゅりゅうエルピィForbiddenForbidden
Heavymetalfoes Electrumiteヘビーメタルフォーゼ・エレクトラムLimitedForbidden
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamityえんりゅうおう レッド・デーモン・カラミティForbiddenUnlimited
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knightsせいついそう イゾルデUnlimitedForbidden
Kashtira Arise-Heartクシャトリラ・アライズハートUnlimitedForbidden
Kashtira Fenrirクシャトリラ・フェンリルForbiddenUnlimited
Kelbek the Ancient VanguardせんぺいケルベクForbiddenForbidden
Knightmare Goblinトロイメア・ゴブリンForbiddenForbidden
Knightmare Mermaidトロイメア・マーメイドForbiddenForbidden
Lavalval Chainラヴァルバル・チェインForbiddenForbidden
Level Eaterレベル・スティーラーForbiddenForbidden
M-X-Saber InvokerM.ミッシングエックス-セイバー インヴォーカーLimitedForbidden
Magical ScientistどうサイエンティストForbiddenForbidden
Majespecter Unicorn - Kirinマジェスペクター・ユニコーンForbiddenLimited
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying KingしんりゅうけんおうマスターピースForbiddenForbidden
Mathmech CircularザンサーキュラーLimitedForbidden
Maxx "C"ぞうしょくするジーUnlimitedForbidden
Mecha Phantom Beast AuroradonげんじゅうアウローラドンUnlimitedForbidden
Mind MasterメンタルマスターForbiddenForbidden
Number 16: Shock MasterNo.ナンバーズ16 いろはいしゃショック・ルーラーForbiddenForbidden
Number 42: Galaxy TomahawkNo.ナンバーズ42 スターシップ・ギャラクシー・トマホークUnlimitedForbidden
Number 86: Heroic Champion - RhongomyniadNo.ナンバーズ86 ヒロイックチャンピオン ロンゴミアントForbiddenForbidden
Number 89: Diablosis the Mind HackerNo.ナンバーズ89 でんのうじゅうディアブロシスUnlimitedForbidden
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter DragonNo.ナンバーズ95 ギャラクシーアイズ・ダークマター・ドラゴンForbiddenForbidden
Number S0: Utopic ZEXALシャイニングNo.ナンバーズ0 ホープ・ゼアルForbiddenForbidden
Outer Entity AzathotガイシンアザトートForbiddenForbidden
Performage PlushfireEmエンタメイジヒグルミForbiddenForbidden
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllisフェニキシアン・クラスター・アマリリスForbiddenForbidden
Prank-Kids Meow-Meow-Muプランキッズ・ミューUnlimitedForbidden
Predaplant Verte Anaconda捕食植物プレデター・プランツヴェルテ・アナコンダForbiddenForbidden
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoonちょうどうりゅう-ドラグーン・オブ・レッドアイズForbiddenUnlimited
SPYRAL Master PlanSPYRALスパイラル-グレースUnlimitedForbidden
Simorgh, Bird of SovereigntyおうしんちょうシムルグUnlimitedForbidden
Spright Elfスプライト・エルフForbiddenForbidden
Summon Sorceressサモン・ソーサレスUnlimitedForbidden
Superheavy Samurai Scarecrowちょうじゅうしゃカカ-シーUnlimitedForbidden
Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armorちょうじゅうしゃそうブレイク・アーマーForbiddenUnlimited
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venomおうけんりゅうスターヴ・ヴェノムUnlimitedForbidden
Tearlaments Kitkallosティアラメンツ・キトカロスForbiddenForbidden
Tempest MagicianマジックテンペスターForbiddenForbidden
Toadally AwesomeもちカエルForbiddenUnlimited
Toon Cannon Soldierトゥーン・キャノン・ソルジャーForbiddenUnlimited
Topologic Gumblar Dragonトポロジック・ガンブラー・ドラゴンForbiddenForbidden
True King of All CalamitiesしんりゅうおうV.F.D.ザ・ビーストForbiddenForbidden
The Tyrant NeptuneThe tyrant NEPTUNEザ・タイラント・ネプチューンForbiddenForbidden
Union Carrierユニオン・キャリアーForbiddenForbidden
Victory Dragonヴィクトリー・ドラゴンForbiddenForbidden
Wandering Gryphon Rider流離さすらいのグリフォンライダーForbiddenUnlimited
Wind-Up Carrier ZenmaityぜんまいくうゼンマイティUnlimitedForbidden
Wind-Up HunterゼンマイハンターForbiddenUnlimited
Zoodiac BroadbullじゅうししブルホーンForbiddenForbidden
Zoodiac DridentじゅうししドランシアForbiddenForbidden

Spell Cards[edit]

CardJapanese nameOCGTCG
Brilliant Fusionブリリアント・フュージョンLimitedForbidden
Butterfly Dagger - Elmaちょうたんけん-エルマForbiddenForbidden
Card of Safe ReturnせいかんほうさつForbiddenForbidden
Cold WaveだいかんForbiddenForbidden
Delinquent DuoいたずらきなふたあくForbiddenForbidden
Dimension FusionげんゆうごうForbiddenUnlimited
Divine Sword - Phoenix Bladeしんけん-フェニックスブレードForbiddenUnlimited
The Forceful SentryごういんばんぺいForbiddenForbidden
Giant TrunadeハリケーンForbiddenForbidden
Graceful Charityてん使ほどこForbiddenForbidden
Heavy StormおおあらしLimitedForbidden
Kaiser ColosseumカイザーコロシアムSemi-LimitedForbidden
Last WillゆいごんじょうForbiddenForbidden
Mass DriverマスドライバーForbiddenForbidden
Mirage of NightmareあくしんろうForbiddenForbidden
Mystic MineしょうどうForbiddenForbidden
Painful ChoiceじゅうせんたくForbiddenForbidden
Pot of GreedごうよくつぼForbiddenForbidden
Premature BurialはやすぎたまいそうForbiddenForbidden
Smoke Grenade of the Thief盗人ぬすっとけむりだまForbiddenForbidden
Snatch StealごうだつForbiddenLimited
Soul Chargeソウル・チャージForbiddenForbidden
That Grass Looks GreenerとなりしばSemi-LimitedForbidden
Zoodiac BarrageじゅうししかいきょくLimitedForbidden

Trap Cards[edit]

CardJapanese nameOCGTCG
Appointer of the Red LotusれんめいしゃUnlimitedForbidden
Branded ExpulsionかつらくいんUnlimitedForbidden
Imperial OrderおうきゅうちょくめいForbiddenForbidden
Last Turnラストバトル!ForbiddenForbidden
Life EqualizerライフチェンジャーForbiddenUnlimited
Magical Explosionマジカル・エクスプロージョンForbiddenLimited
Red Rebootレッド・リブートLimitedForbidden
Return from the Different DimensionげんからのかんForbiddenForbidden
Royal OppressionおうきゅうだんあつForbiddenForbidden
Self-Destruct ButtonばくスイッチUnlimitedForbidden
Sixth SenseだいろっかんForbiddenForbidden
Summon LimitサモンリミッターUnlimitedForbidden
Trap Dustshootダスト・シュートForbiddenForbidden
Ultimate OfferingだいしょうForbiddenForbidden
Vanity's Emptiness虚無空間ヴァニティー・スペースForbiddenForbidden

Rush Duel[edit]

These cards are Forbidden as of April 1, 2024.

Monster Cards[edit]

CardJapanese name
Barrier Statue of the Inferno (Rush Duel)ごうけっかいぞう

Spell Cards[edit]

No Spell Cards are Forbidden in Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel as of April 1, 2024.

Trap Cards[edit]

No Trap Cards are Forbidden in Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel as of April 1, 2024.




Moved into the list[edit]

There are no changes from the January 2024 Lists.

Moved out of the list[edit]
Card Japanese name Card type Old status (January 2024) New status (April 2024)
Summon Sorceress サモン・ソーサレス Monster Card Forbidden Unlimited
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls ばくせいりゅう-タイダル Monster Card Forbidden Limited

Simplified Chinese[edit]

Moved into the list[edit]
Card Simplified Chinese name Card type Old status (January 2024) New status (April 2024)
Spright Elf 电光闪灵・精灵 Monster Card Limited Forbidden
Moved out of the list[edit]

There are no changes from the January 2024 Lists.


Moved into the list[edit]
Card Card type Old status (---) New status (November 2023)
Amazoness Archer[N 1] Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Cannon Soldier Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Cyber Jar Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Fiber Jar Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Magical Scientist Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Butterfly Dagger - Elma Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Card of Safe Return Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Cold Wave Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Confiscation Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Delinquent Duo Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Dimension Fusion Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Giant Trunade Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Heavy Storm Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Last Will Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Mass Driver Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Metamorphosis Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Mirage of Nightmare Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Painful Choice Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Pot of Greed Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Premature Burial Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Smoke Grenade of the Thief Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Snatch Steal Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
The Forceful Sentry Spell Card Unlimited Forbidden
Imperial Order Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Last Turn Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Life Equalizer Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Magical Explosion Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Royal Oppression Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Trap Dustshoot Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden
Ultimate Offering Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden


Moved into the list[edit]

Card Card type Old status (January 2024) New status (April 2024)
Baronne de Fleur Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Borreload Savage Dragon Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Linkuriboh Monster Card Unlimited Forbidden
Summon Limit Trap Card Unlimited Forbidden

Moved out of the list[edit]

Card Card type Old status (January 2024) New status (April 2024)
Archnemeses Protos Monster Card Forbidden Limited
Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin Monster Card Forbidden Limited
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls Monster Card Forbidden Limited
Thunder Dragon Colossus Monster Card Forbidden Limited
Chicken Game Spell Card Forbidden Limited

TCG Speed Duel[edit]

Moved into the list[edit]

Card Card type Old status (September 2023) New status (January 2024)
My Precious Queen! Skill Card Unlimited Forbidden

Rush Duel[edit]

Moved into the list[edit]

There are no changes from the January 2024 Lists.

Moved out of the list[edit]

There are no changes from the January 2024 Lists.

World Championship[edit]

During World Championship tournaments, all cards are automatically set to their lowest allowed status in any region. (For example, a card that is on the Semi-Limited list in one region but the Limited list in another will be Limited on the World Championship banlist, and a card that is Forbidden in one region but Unlimited in another will be Forbidden.)

However, in addition to any cards that are Forbidden on either the OCG or TCG lists, several other cards are also made Forbidden:

Special Rule[edit]

At some (but not all)[citation needed] Japan-specific tournaments and World Championships, a select few additional cards have been Forbidden under a Special Rule. "Self-Destruct Button" allows players to legally stall for time by forcing DRAWs and replaying Duels, while the remaining cards all allow a player to suddenly gain a large amount of LP during their opponent's turn by paying a no-longer-relevant cost, allowing them to abuse the sudden death win condition rules if a game's time limit runs out.

"Self-Destruct Button" and "Rainbow Life" were Forbidden by Special Rule at Japan's World Championship Qualifiers 2014.[4]

"Self-Destruct Button", "Rainbow Life", "Emergency Provisions", "Mystik Wok", and "Tri-and-Guess" were Forbidden by Special Rule at the 2014-2016 World Championships;[5] the 2018,[6] 2019,[7] and 2022[8] Japan Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, and a Remote Duel tournament in Japan in 2020.[9]

Anime and manga[edit]

During the Battle City arc it is mentioned that cards that directly damage the player, such as "Hinotama", "Meteor of Destruction", and "Raigeki", are Forbidden.[10]

When taken to the Virtual World, the Egyptian God cards were excluded from the virtual card database, since Lector noted they are forbidden cards.[11]

A handful of other cards are noted by characters as "Forbidden" in the anime, including "Golden Castle of Stromberg" in Yu-Gi-Oh!,[12] "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End"[13] and "Infernalvania" in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX,[14] "Gate Blocker" and "Gate Blocker 2" in official Turbo Duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's,[15][16], and "Restraining Sword of Impact" in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V,[17].

Video games[edit]

In some video games, the player can unlock the ability to use Forbidden cards in their decks after they fulfill certain in-game requirements. In such cases, they are usually allowed to only include at most one Forbidden card and only one copy of that Forbidden card (as opposed to one of each Forbidden card as with the case of Limited cards). This type of restriction would later be used as the Limited 1 status in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links.

Tag Force[edit]

In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force, the player is able to include one Forbidden card after they have finished Parts 2 and 3 of the game's story with all Tier 1 characters. Afterwards, upon starting a new playthrough from Part 1, the player's character will receive a special email from Chancellor Sheppard on May 2 who allows the player to use a Forbidden card. In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 and Tag Force 3, the player is able to include a Forbidden card once they have finished Story Mode with enough characters without a special event. Starting with Tag Force 2, if the player's current deck includes a Forbidden card, all opponents will always use their strongest decks when they are challenged to a duel. The opponents' decks will also include a Forbidden card and from Tag Force 3 onwards, said decks will also use quantities of cards in the games' respective Forbidden/Limited lists that are normally unusable by the player, ie. multiple Forbidden cards, 2-3 copies of a Limited card and 3 copies of a Semi-Limited card.

In other languages[edit]

"Forbidden" in languages other than English
Language NameRomanized
French carte Interdite
German Verbotene Karte
Italian carta Proibita
Spanish carta Prohibida
Japanese 禁止カードKinshi Kādo
Korean 금지 카드Geumji Kadeu


  1. At the time Lists were posted for the Asian-English OCG, this card was still printed as "Amazon Archer".[1][2][3]


  1. NeoArkadia (November 11, 2023). "English Edition for Asia Forbidden & Limited List: November 2023". The Organization. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  2. GeoTheBacon (November 12, 2023). "[Banlist] Asia English November 2023". Beyond the Duel. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  3. "English Edition for Asia Forbidden / Limited Card Lists (2023/11)". Konami. Retrieved November 12, 2023.
  4. NeoArkadia (March 19, 2014). "[OCG] Forbidden Cards at Japanese World Qualifiers". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  5. Ness (July 15, 2014). "World Championship Forbidden/Limited List". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  6. NeoArkadia (August 22, 2018). "[OCG] Actual Details on Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Japan". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  7. NeoArkadia (February 23, 2019). "Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Japan Osaka 2019". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  8. NeoArkadia (January 14, 2022). "[OCG] Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Japan Yokohama 2022". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  9. NeoArkadia (July 24, 2020). "[OCG] Japan and Remote Duels". The Organization. Retrieved October 23, 2023.
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 07575: "Friends 'Til the End, Part 1"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 108108: "Settling the Score, Part 1"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 197197: "Sinister Secrets, Part 2"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX episode 01919: "The King of the Copycats, Part 2"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX episode 03131: "Field of Screams, Part 1"
  15. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episode 0022: "Creepy Crawlies"
  16. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episode 03131: "The Reunion Duel"
  17. Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V episode 129129: "A Duel Within"