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Not much more I can say about myself. I used to play YuGiOh! HEAVILY back in the hey-day (last time I really played was in 2004/2005) with my uber Dark Paladin deck. Those were the days. Dark Paladin + Jinzo was pretty much a death sentence. Then I would chain defusion to Jinzo's attack and get Buster Blader and Dark Magician out again, usually for a killing blow.

But alas, I come back, and there are these newfangled Synchro's running around, cards that return their homies from the graveyard, cards that can be summoned from the hand or grave if their buddy is on the field, cards that pull the moon in closer for high-tide, etc.

So I had to adapt.

Started with my trusty Magicians. Went with an Citadel Spellcaster build. It was fun. It was interesting. It was painfully slow.

I realized that in this day and age, no one runs normal monsters, 1600s are normally left on the field for a couple of turns and actually attack once in a while, and there is so much card destruction that it's absurd.

Citadel Spellcasters is a fun deck to use, but it's mostly supportive. I might remake it for double duels and field removal or something.

Then I saw that Arcanite had an Assault Mode, so I looked into that, and lo and behold, I realized that Synchros can take it to a new level! I'm more of a "Defensive" kind of player, so I love Stardust more than Archfiend Dragon (albeit, Archfiend's effect is mighty), and naturally, I wanted to have it all.

So at one point, I had the Assault Modes of Hyper Psychic Blaster, Stardust Dragon and Arcanite Magician in the same deck, lol.

Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode is an awesome card, but a pain in the A** to bring out. I had to use Overdrive Teleporter and Psychic Commander, because HPB can ONLY be summoned using Psychics... it was all messy. I trimmed the fat and was introduced to a Destiny Hero and told how him and his crew worked. My life was changed..

YuGiOh! was fun during the summer of 2009, but with my senior year of college ahead of me, and the fact that I would be out of state, I decided to hang up the Dueling Disk. I left YGO! alone until December 2010, and one of my good friends that I turn to for dueling advice informed me of the death of Assault Mode, and the rise of quick decks.

He recommended Six Samurai, told me about some cards, handed me the ball and I ran with it.

Current Deck

Renarudo (talkcontribs) 07:37, January 7, 2011 (UTC)