Yugipedia:Latest set/Dark Neostorm

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Dark Neostorm

Dark Neostorm is a Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG) and Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG). It is the eighth set in the OCG's 10th series, following Savage Strike.

This set includes new members and/or support for the "Altergeist", "/Assault Mode", "Cloudian", "Crusadia", "Cynet", "Destiny HERO", "Dinowrestler", "Flamvell", "Fur Hire", "Gouki", "HERO", "Hole", "Impcantation", "Knightmare", "Krawler", "Madolche", "Magical Musket", "Mayakashi", "Mekk-Knight", "Orcust", "Salamangreat", "Super Quant", "Super Quantal Mech Beast", "Super Quantum", "The Weather", "World Chalice", and "World Legacy" archetypes, as well as the Guardragon, Maju, Xtra HERO, and Yo-kai Girl series.

The TCG version includes members/support for the "Burning Abyss", "Danger!", "Mermail", "Number", "Pendulum", "Speedroid", and "Valkyrie" archetypes.