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There are two key concepts concerning "costs":

  • 2. You never get a "refund" on a cost.

Costs are paid before activation. So to activate "Seven Tools of the Bandit", or the effect of "Cannon Soldier", or play "Premature Burial", you pay the Life Points or Tribute the monster before you activate the card or use the effect. (In other words, you pay the cost then announce your intention to use the card.) This includes flipping the card, for a Trap, or playing it from your hand, for a Spell Card.

If a card is negated (or, for a Continuous card, if it is destroyed in a chain), it makes no difference regarding the cost, because the cost has been paid. You do not receive a "refund" simply because your card was negated, or its effect was negated, or it was destroyed (in the case of a Continuous card).


Example #1: Negation of "Seven Tools of the Bandit"


Example #2: Negation in a Chain of "Premature Burial"


Example #3: Destruction in a Chain of "Premature Burial"


Example #4: Chaining of "Mask of Restrict" to "Cannon Soldier's” effect


See Also

More Info for new players

However, costs don't always have to be in Life Points. Cards like Dark Core and Lightning Vortex have a discard cost of 1 card from your hand. With Chaos Sorcerer, removing 2 monsters from play is a cost. You cannot use a card like Disappear to remove one of those monsters from play, before Chaos Sorcerer does, because you cannot beat a player to paying a cost. Other costs include: discarding from the Deck or offering Tribute. Sometimes, though it is not stated, the positive effect of a card can be a cost in itself, such as with Astral Barrier. Likewise, if a player activates a card with a cost affixed to it, and another player negates and/or destroys it (with Magic Jammer, Seven Tools of the Bandit, etc.), the first player must still pay the cost, even though the effect was negated. You cannot partially Pay a cost. For example, if you're forced to discard 2 cards, you must discard 2 cards, unless another card effect bypasses this, or it is otherwise impossible to do so, such as when you have one or less cards in your hand. In the latter case, you would not be able to pay the cost, since it has to be paid in full upon activation. A cost is similar to a Compulsory effect. There are very few, if any cards that can negate costs.