Card Lores:Rhaimundos of the Red Sword

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  • In the French version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Armé de l'Épée des flammes, ce guerrier peut retenir un monstre prisonnier."
  • In the German version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Mit dem Schwert der blutroten Flammen bewaffnet, kann dieser Krieger ein Monster mit feurigen Fesseln binden."
  • In the Italian version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Armato con la Rossa Spada Fiammeggiante, questo guerriero puó imprigionare i suoi nemici in una trappola di fuoco."
  • In the Spanish version of World Championship 2006 and Card Almanac, this card lore was "Armado con la Espada de Llamas Carmesíes, este guerrero puede atar a un monstruo con fiera moderación."