Card Trivia:Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

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  • "Gyzarus" is a combination of 3 syllables: "Gy" is a deformation of a syllable of the first name of Gaius Julius Caesar, so instead of "gai" is "Gy" because the similarity of the pronouncement. "zar" it can be from the meaning of Russian emperors Czar or a deformation of a syllable of the last name of Gaius Julius Caesar, so instead of "sar" it can be "zar". "us" it can be from the last syllable of the first 2 names of Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • This monster appears in the artwork of "Gladiator Beast Charge".
  • A portion of a few other "Gladiator Beast" monsters can be seen on "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus". They are: