Card Trivia:Super Quantum White Layer

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  • This monster is possibly a transformed "Super Quantal Fairy Alphan" given their similar design elements:
    • Both have a white color scheme with black spikes on their backs.
    • As shown in the artwork of "Super Quantal Alphancall Appeal", this card also bears the same crest on its gloves as the crest on "Fairy Alphan"'s right hand.
    • This card has three drones orbiting it similar to the three orbs that orbit around "Fairy Alphan".
    • Both cards have effects that allow them to copy the level of other "Super Quant" monsters.
    • This card's effect of adding "Fairy Alphan" to the owner's hand upon being sent to the graveyard is similar to the Super Sentai and Power Rangers trope of "Powering Down" after taking too much damage.