Card Trivia:Survival of the Fittest

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  • "Ultimate Tyranno" and a deceased "Black Tyranno" appear in this card's artwork.
    • The artwork resembles the fight scene between the Spinosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park III. "Black Tyranno's" pose resembles the T. rex's pose at the end of the fight, while "Ultimate Tyranno's" pose resembles the Spinosaurus's pose when it defeated the T. rex.
  • The Spanish name of this card, "Supervivencia del Más en Forma" is subject to a possible mis-translation, as "Fittest" is translated here as "in good physical shape", rather than the meaning "of suitable capability" typically associated with the phrase; the phrase is usually translated as "Superiviencia del Más Apto".