Forum:Archfiend Build: Requesting Assistance

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Here's an archfiend deck I'm thinking of making.

It's an archfiend beatdown deck. I really want to add some synchro's in here since there's so many archfiend synchro's out there, but I'm not sure what tuners to add and what to take out for them. All help is appreciated. :)

Tomgoesrawr (talkcontribs) 02:49, January 16, 2011 (UTC)

Cards I have so far

So far I have:

Archfiend Empress

Lightning Vortex

Giant Trunade

Torrential Tribute

Threatening Roar


Scrap Archfiend (Not in deck list)

Tomgoesrawr (talkcontribs) 02:54, January 16, 2011 (UTC)


Most of my recommendations are to help with your synchro problem. Currently there are 5 Archfiend synchros: Thought Ruler Archfiend, Archfiend Zombie-Skull, Red Dragon Archfiend, Chaos King Archfiend, and Scrap Archfiend. The zombie one is bad in an archfiend deck, he is level 6, and requires Plaguespreader Zombie + 2 or more non-tuner Zombies. My brother has a zombie deck and even he rarely gets to use it. Out of the four other ones, there's two 3's and two 4's. Because you have a fair number of level 4 monsters, I'd put in Level 3 tuners (for Chaos and Scrap) and level 4's (for RDA and Thought Ruler). Chaos King requires a Fiend-type tuner, plus you have 3 Solidarity, so for your level 3's I would use any one or a combination of: Creation Resonator, Dark Resonator, or Flare Resonator. They're all level 3 fiends, and the only other one (in the TCG) is Fabled Kushano, whose effect wouldn't apply in your deck. Simply pick whichever of the 3 has the best effect in your opinion. As for for Level 4 tuners, the problem here is that the only Level 4 Fiend tuner is Trap Eater, who would probably be hard to summon. You could take a non-Fiend, but that would ruin Solidarity. You could take out Solidarity, (and use a generic level 4 such as Mist Valley Soldier or you could use a level 2 fiend tuner, which would let you synchro using Skull Archfiend of Lightning. This would make your choices be Fabled Raven, Fabled Oltro, Fabled Miztoji, and Dark Tinker. Oltro's and Miztoji's effects would most likely not apply in your deck. However, Dark Tinker has a nice one, and Raven can not only be a temporary beatstick, but he can turn himself into a level 3 or 4 tuner, making him capable of summoning level 6-8 monsters using a level 4 nontuner, and level 8 monsters using Skull Archfiend. Next for synchros that aren't Archfiends, I'd get some Fiend ones, so they don't kill Solidarity. Fabled Leviathan, Fabled Ragin, Fabled Valkyrus, and Stygian Sergeants are non-Archfiend Fiends. Stygian requires a Fiend-Type tuner, and the Fabled ones require a Fabled tuner (Raven). Leviathan can be summoned using Raven with 2 discards + Skull Archfiend or Raven + Empress, and when he's destroyed, you get any Ravens you've used back to your hand. Ragin's effect is a general one, and can be done with Raven + your level 3's, and Valkyrus can be done the same way as RDA and thought ruler, plus he gives you epic draw power. Stygian is just plain good, and can be summoned with the Resonators as well.

So in the end (short version lol), for your synchros I would:

-Add Thought Ruler Archfiend, Red Dragon Archfiend, Chaos King Archfiend, Scrap Archfiend, Stygian Sergeants, Fabled Leviathan, Fabled Ragin, and Fabled Valkyrus to your Extra Deck.

-For tuners I would add most importantly at least twoFabled Raven, and any combination of one or two of Creation Resonator, Dark Resonator, and Flare Resonator. If you can't get Fabled Raven replace him with Dark Tinker.

-As for what to remove, I'd say one or two each of Infernalqueen Archfiend and Vilepawn Archfiend.

Hope this helps! SuperKirbyFan (talkcontribs) 01:48, January 17, 2011 (UTC)