Forum:Cloudian Help

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Hi, I'm new to this forum and I am trying to make a Cloudian deck for casual duels.

My main concern for this deck is its speed, I play OCG and a Duality is quite expensive here, so I was thinking I maybe could use a Moray of Greed instead. My other concern is that a Dark Hole can wreck my whole setup.

I don't run traps for this deck because I don't want them to fight for S/T space with Squall/Summon Cloud/Solidarity. Emergency Provisions is there to sac useless squalls/Summon Clouds. Sanctuary is there to protect my life-points while my cloudians are generating fog counters from Squall. Salvage is to recycle cloudians that are discarded for Herald costs. Diamond-Dust cyclone is there if a monster on the opponents side of the field survives long enough to accumulate 4 counters, or used in conjunction with Fog Control to destroy+draw.

Any advice would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Also a ruling question: Is it possible to summon Nimbusman without tributes and put 0 counters on him? (talk) 15:42, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Emergency Provisions is rather lackluster - I wouldn't use it. Unfortunately, you can't get Nimbusman without Tributes. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 02:17, October 30, 2011 (UTC)

Ok, thanks, What would you suggest for speed for this deck though? I was thinking of using Moray of Greed but I would need 2 WATER monsters in my hand to use it. P.S. This is my deck, I didn't sign in last time. Bloody Pheonix (talkcontribs) 12:37, November 1, 2011 (UTC)

Instead of Sanctuary in the Sky use Spirit Barrier (to avoid helping Agents). Herald of Purple Light is rather bad because you should just use Mystical Space Typhoon or Heavy Storm. Summon Cloud only works with Smoke Ball - don't use it. You need staples: Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, Book of Moon, and more Mystical Space Typhoon. Cloudian - Altus is pretty good. Cut Nimbusman to two as it's dead in your hand. Cloudian - Cirrostratus is worth using three of. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:35, November 1, 2011 (UTC)

I played it a few times on dueling network and realized the deck is quite useless without normal summons, So I revised it.

My main fear about Atlas is the crazy amount of Dark World players in OCG right now, 1 out of 3 decks are Dark World.

I bumped squall back to 3 because without it this deck can't really function. Moray is for speed, although there might be better options. (any suggestions?) Offering is there for multiple normal summons.

Thanks for looking at this.

Bloody Pheonix (talkcontribs) 09:45, November 2, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry, Forgot about Storm dragon, add 3 storm dragon to the list.

Total 46

Sorry, Very Sorry, I forgot quite a few cards. 46 is too many IMO, What should I cut?

Pot of Duality instead of Moray. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 12:44, November 2, 2011 (UTC)