Forum:Deck Spell Counter

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Please tell me how to improve my deck

Monster : (21)

Apprentice Magician x2
Frequency Magician x2
Royal Magical Library x2
Summoner Monk
Silent Magician LV4
Breaker The Magical Warrior x2
Defender, the Magical Knight x2
Maiden of Macabre
Magical Exemplar x3
Crusader of Endymion
Magical Marionette
Dark Red Enchanter
Chaos Sorcerer

Magic : (15)

Swords of Revealing Light
Spell Power Grasp x2
Magical Citadel of Endymion x2
Field Barrier
Book of Moon
Arcane Barrier
Brain Control
Lightning Vortex
Solidarity x2
Nightmare's Steelcage
Giant Trunade

Trap : (6)

Torrential Tribute
Magic Cylinder
Pitch-Black Power Stone x2
Tower of Babel
Call of the Haunted

Synchro :(5)

Arcanite Magician
Explosive Magician x2
Tempest Magician x2

I like this deck around 40-45, so please tell me what I should add and remove.

Dark Magician!

This build utilizes a lot of spell counters to bring out Dark Magician and Arcanite Magician. Its pretty fast and effective at tournaments. Try making it.

Dark Magician

--Skiesthelimit 15:37, June 12, 2010 (UTC)

thankz, I'll try that125.160.142.100 12:21, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

I think that you should take out the Pitch Black Power Stones, they are a bit slow. I would replace them with Recycle so that you can keep putting Spell Power Grasp back into the deck. Peshkatz 20:19, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • Hidden Book of Spell can ONLY be used on your turn. Also, Recycle can send Traps back to the deck as well, so Mirror Force, Torrential, and Solemn can be reused as well. Peshkatz 22:30, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
  • Whoops misread it. Recycle seems a bit slow though. Seeing the card goes to the bottom. Unless you have like Card Shuffle to maybe speed up the process. But after re-reading Hidden Book of Spells,maybe Recycle would be the better choice. 23:38, June 14, 2010 (UTC)
    • You have to remember that when you use a Spell Power Grasp (which is the main card you'll be recycling) you shuffle the deck. Peshkatz' GokaMon, I choose you! 20:19, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

The Transmigration Prophecy. 2 Cards of your choice back into your deck,then deck is shuffled with NO COST at all. 15:11, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Regardless of what Transmigration Prophecy does, it's limited. Recycle is unlimited, allows more consistency (seeing how it stays on the field as a continuous spell), and it allows you to slowly add possibly more than just two cards back to your deck. Trust Peshkatz and me when we say Recycle is good. Used in combination with Breaker/Defender, Spell Power Grasp, and Citadel its extremely broken because you can abuse spell counters like crazy. We've both tested it and it works. u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 19:24, June 17, 2010 (UTC)