Forum:Discard + Macro Cosmos +

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"A card being discarded does not necessarily go to the graveyard. Although this is normally the case, cards like Macro Cosmos will send the cards to the Removed from Play Zone instead; however, the card is still considered as being discarded regardless."

When the card is discarded and removed from play does it still count as if it was removed from play and not only discarded? Read discard is sending to gravyard, but the text above made me doubt it. What I'm trying to say is if I have Soul absorption on my field, do I gain lifepoints if a card is discarded while Macro Cosmos is played? --Mistylover 15:51, March 18, 2010 (UTC)

It's being treated as 'discarded','sent' and 'removed from play' for the purposes of card effects, such as your Soul Absorption. so you'll gain lp- 16:00, March 18, 2010 (UTC)