Forum:Dragunity & LaDD

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Dragunity Arms Laevatin Versus Light and Darkness Dragon

Hey there, I have a brief question with regards to Dragunity Arms Laevatein's special effect. When he is summoned he can equip Light and Darkness Dragon to himself, and when he is destroyed, LaDD will nuke the field, allowing for Laevatin to be special summoned back,and re-equipping him with LaDD. My main question pertaining this; however, is if LaDD is equipped to a monster; like in this example, will its ability to Negate Cards still function as normal? I plan on getting a few copies of Dragunity Drive whenever it decides to hit shelves in America, so I want to be clear with some of the rulings on it. Thank you in advance to those who take the time to answer my question. Sabeta (talkcontribs) 17:27, September 7, 2010 (UTC)
When a monster becomes an Equip Card, it loses all of its effects, unless the effect specifically says that it stays (like "Dark Necrofear" does). In your case, "Light and Darkness Dragon" doesn't keep its effects. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 19:57, September 7, 2010 (UTC)