Forum:Fairy Afterburner, Opinions?

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Fairy Afterburner

Monster Cards

Athena x3
The Agent of Judgement - Saturn x3
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x3
Hecatrice x3
Nurse Reficule the Fallen One x3
Splendid Venus x2
Gellenduo x2

Morphing Jar x1

Spell Cards

The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Upstart Goblin x3
Celestial Transformation x3
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2

Swords of Reveling Light x1

Trap Cards

Gift Card x3
Bad Reaction to Simochi x2
The Paths of Destiny x2

Gravity Bind x1


Ultimate Offering x1
Level Limit - Area B x1
Honest x2
Mirror Force x1
Monster Reborn x1
Rain of Mercy x3

The idea is to get out a big fairy, then NOT attack with it as this would trigger the majority of traps.

Use Athena to burn each turn, or bring back saturn and reuse it's effect. The rest is basically anti-cure.

Venus to stop the cards getting canceled and discourage your opponent from attacking.

You should side-deck, or even main deck, Honest x2 and Ultimate Offering. Then you can do the Ultimate Burn by paying 500 to summon Honest, they lose 600 with Athena on the field, then return Honest to hand with its affect and then do it again and again all in one turn. Lightspeed1967 19:31, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Nice! I have those in my side-deck as it happens, my problem is that I never seem to get ultimate offerings and honest at the same time, what with UO being down to 1. Anxietydecending

If I were you I'd remove 1 hecatrice (with 5 valhalla card, you're probably gunna draw one first turn anyways) and add a marshmallon, it has a nice burn effect, but the important thing is the stall which is incredibly important in a fairy deck. Since fairies are generally slow, it's always handy to have one of these, and with the Gellenduos, you'll be able to set up a wall. hehe, I run fairies too! although I run a parshath deck... -Tantara