Forum:Favorite Budget Deck?

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What is your favorite Budget Deck to use? My favorite (and probably the funnest deck that i own) is my Cloudian Deck!

My old Crystal Beasts. I got the 3 Ultra Rare Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus' for free, so the rest of the deck was somewhat easy to obtain, and I had pulled my Rainbow Dragon, which gave me the idea to start the deck. The deck had some INSANE search power, constantly drawing new cards through Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins, and searching my deck with Pegasus and Crystal Beacon. I could deck myself out in a matter of turns, and had a lot of fun making my friends mad with the infamous 3rd effect of my Ancient City.--Black Rose 17:50, November 4, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, Deck Devastation Virus is the card that kills Morphtronics. That and, to a lesser extent, Reverse Trap (which I continue to advocate as a side-deck pick against Morphs and Blackwings). Runer5h 20:41, November 4, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Ratbox, an awesome. It's very flexible, and so it can draft in any kind if card possible as long as your budget can handle it. With the right cards it can hold its own against a varying number of Decks. --Gadjiltron 01:30, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

Mine is "Dark Magician's Judgment" Deck, and my Skill Drain Deck. Fawlker 15:51, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

My Vic-Viper isn't expensive at all. Most expensive-Time machine, like what? 10 bucks, I paid 2 Gemini Trap holes--Helix-king 22:30, November 5, 2009 (UTC)