Forum:Geargia Deskbot (July 2015)

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I discovered the idea that this particular deck can be used as a Beatdown/Lockdown deck, trying to bring out the the two Naturias, Royal Decree, and the Nekroz monster to shut down my opponent as quickly as I can, while still keeping the offensive. Even so, I do sometimes end up with dead draws, and I feel like this deck lacks some protection.

So yeah, any way I can improve this deck?RPG4Life (talkcontribs) 13:54, July 15, 2015 (UTC)

I don't think the mini-Djinn/Nekroz engine (if you can even call it that) needs to be in the deck. While stopping Special Summons is great and can win games, just shoving the 3-card suite into any deck is a bad idea because it hurts consistency, and there's no real way to search for the the Ritual or the Spell. Maybe a Machina Fortress engine would be better? --Dark Ace SP (TalkPage) 14:31, July 15, 2015 (UTC)

I'll tell you how I search for my Ritual monster;

1.) Summon Deskbot 003; use eff to special summon 004. 2.) Attack and destroy with 004; special summon 001 and 002 from hand or grave. 3.) Synchro for Herald of Light; Rank 4 Xyz for Lavalval Chain with herald and 004; detatch Herald to get both the Ritual monster in hand and Djinn in the Graveyard. 4.) Discard Nekroz, then get Ritual Spell; play spell, use Djinn, and Nekroz is out.

Boom. And this can be done in one turn easily, especially since I get my machines easily with Gear Gigant X.

So no, it's not inconsistent.RPG4Life (talkcontribs) 00:45, July 16, 2015 (UTC)

The new Forbidden & Limited List just dropped for the TCG and Djinn and Lavalval Chain are banned, so yeah. --Dark Ace SP (TalkPage) 17:21, July 16, 2015 (UTC)

...son of a witch. It figures that after making this deck, it's now lost that potential.

Alright, guess I'll have to try to make a viable Machina Geargia Deskbot, then. Got anything to add in this regard? RPG4Life (talkcontribs) 19:44, July 17, 2015 (UTC)

I honestly think that you could drop Armor and Arsenal from the deck, while Armor is a nice way to search for your stuff. The Auger and Accelerator are basically a six-card suite that allows you to make Gear Gigant X on your first turn and search for 003. Also, Inferno Reckless Summon is kinda like Machine Duplication, but it might give your opponent a few more monsters, might be worth considering. I'm not really a fan of your trap picks, while Raigeki Break is nice, I think it's not really needed. Bottomless Trap Hole might be better. I've also never been a fan of running 3 Royal Decree in the main. --Dark Ace SP (TalkPage) 20:22, July 17, 2015 (UTC)