Forum:Gladiator Beast 09'

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Comments or Fixes?

-Arcangel- 00:46, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Side Deck:

(Side out Hippo against other glads)

Batteriespwn 03:21, October 7, 2009 (UTC)

  • Edited my list.

Lol wow I did forget to add Darius, oops.The Airbellum I'll test out and see how it works. Sangan, Prisma & Mole I'll take out.Fissure's are good IMO because they can help clear the field of annoying monsters and attack with ease with Glads. I'll probably end up siding Fissures for the E-Cons though, they're more flexible. The Chariots, I don't know. I've been told by a lot of players to just run 2 due to the fact it can become a dead draw at times. Plus, you have Equeste to bring them back anyway. But I'll test 3 and see how it works.

I actually have Synchros + a Side Deck I just didn't post them lol.

  • Synchros :
  • Side Deck:

-Arcangel- 20:15, October 7, 2009 (UTC)

If you keep airbellum run Cyber Dragon, its a quick ss that can clear annoying monsters or synch for 8. And Smashing Ground > Fissure