Forum:Help me build a Gradius/Vic Viper deck

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And that's it so far. Any tips/fixes?

I've made a quite neat Gradius deck. It has most of the Gradius ships (Viper, Lord British from SOVR - proxied - Falchionβ, Jade Knight, Blue Thunder T-45, and even Metal Shooter). But it was mainly a quick synchro deck, packing 3 Chaos-End Masters and 3 Lightwave Tunings for all the Gradius ships and their tokens. Check it out.

Unfortunately, it's not adjusted for the september lists yet. Still, if this is a direction you want to take with your Gradius deck, try it - it runs really well. Just watch out for Light-Imprisoning Mirror - but don't worry about Zombies, this deck always OTKs them. (And I haven't the faintest idea why.) Runer5h 00:22, 30 August 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Thanks guys, I appreciate the input, but I was trying to shy away from synchros, and keep Vic Viper as the win condition (mainly because this is a budget deck of sorts, except for Honest). But if you guys think the deck won't work any other way, I'll consider it.

Victory Viper will be a win condition; trust me. Did I mention that all of my OTKs involved using Victory Viper in combination with Honest or United we Stand, or even Limiter Removal? The deck actually can stand up without absolutely needing to Synchro Summon. Runer5h 20:40, 30 August 2009 (UTC)Runer5h