Forum:Help us with this brave format...

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I have been to several gameplays and chances of meeting several duelist...

I have been more interested why is archtypes been made....

In our neighnorhood...

I have proposed that all decks must be used in our district are all pure decks...

meaning of a pure deck is a deck consist of cards that only support a single main card or archtype or type or type of monster or style of winning against a opponent...

I have seen several decks of all combos BUT ONLY DECKS WITH CONTROL ABILITIES can take advantage of these format such as Remove from play decks, harpie decks and crystal beast...

Many fear the crystal beast because its control over field and activation of spell card and trap of the opponent thus making it top tier 1 in this metagame in our so called format...

I have conclude that cards must STILL BE A FORBIDDEN, LIMITED AND SEMI-LIMITED cards should be introduced to our public....

I have though limiting those cards that a control over th field, graveyard, hand and deck of their opponent.

Also, Cards for their said "archtype, type and Attribute of monster and style of win....

Style of win is by life point deduction by infliction of life points, by battle damage, by Milling their opponent hand, deck or graveyard, and by Exodia....

Automatically, Staple cards in any deck will obviously be forbidden, example: call of the haunted, premature burial, monster reborn, heavy storm, giant trunade, torrential tribute, mirror force and the like...

card ruling in ocg and tcg will be disregarded because abusing all card combo isn't that perfect....

the card's real effect will be applied....

Also some will be semi limited because some decks abuse their recycling their cards, such as crystal blessing, Crystal beast and the like...

Because these cards can be recycled in multiple times meaning all cards will have abuse...

Cards that recycle their monster to the field should be limited, like hysteric party, return from different dimension, dimension fusion, dragon's mirror or mirror force and the like.

The Format is just for fun but also making use some cards that don't have any use in the current metagame in our current advance format....

pls reply for your comment in these aspect.... Jaden Yuki Style 03:58, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

waw, thats interesting. some player may be experiance a differnd play than playing the usual game. maybe i aplied it sometime in my neighberhood. Acaaca 05:32, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

There is a lot of bad English on this page. It reminds me of All Your Base. Zeek Aran 15:33, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

if you lose all the time because of magic cylinder you should make a new deck, and not a new format. Mini neos 11:06, 8 June 2008 (UTC)