Forum:Help wanted: T.G. Wind-Up

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So I came up with a T.G. Wind-Up deck to quickly get rank 3 and 4 Xyz monsters. It works nicely when not facing double/triple Veiler on the first or second turn. And was wondering if there was anything I can do to make the deck better. Also the extra deck was completely personal, and felt that there should be atleast a couple of Synchro monsters just in case.

I know that I should have added another Shark but it seems to run fine with only 2, and I left Duality for my Side. I left Warning out due to the major LP drop from them and Judgment, and Starlight is just in case for mass removal. Sentinal may seem out of place but he comes in handy when my opponent plays MST or Heavy Storm, and Trag helps with protecting me from OTK's. Other than that its pretty much swarm and control. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 17:04, October 22, 2012 (UTC)

Why not add in 2 Wind-Up Rabbit? You could drop 1 Sentinel and the Night Assailant for it. I personally think 1 Sentinel is fine game 1, and if you really like it, then run another in the side. -Dark Ace SP (Talk) 01:46, October 23, 2012 (UTC)
I completely forgot about Wind-Up Rabbit, I'll definately add that to the deck. And siding the other Sentinal should be fine, 2 could clog a little too easily. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 03:28, October 23, 2012 (UTC)