Forum:Help with my Dragunitys?

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Okay now we've all seen a million Drag decks. As anyone will notice, however, I use pretty generic synchros instead of the drag synchros. Thats because i dont feel like spending the money on them. I also dont have phalanx as of right now. I would like 1, but id like it for free, and since that wont happen, i need to work around it.

The deck works great, but im looking to improve it, obviously. Getting RDA is simple enough, then with Junk synchron, i can bring brandistock back to life, then tune them all for RND which is usually a win for me. Im definately getting rid of 1 monster reincarnation and replacing it with a Quillbolt Hedgehog once i get my hands on one. (ill get in from my friend in a couple of days). Im not sure about the second United We Stand either. its a good card, but 2 seems redundant. I have quite a few cards that require a discard, which is why i feel i need more stuff that plays from the graveyard, like quillbolt. Im thinking of possibly putting in a second quillbolt if the first one works well.

Another thought is i could take out 1 Darkspear and replace it with a second Junk Synchron, then take out a united we stand for foolish burial. Id keep the level 3 tuner, keep the count of drags at my control the same with foolish burial. this way, there is more of a chance to get my Red Nova Dragon out. Now im a good duelist, so im not looking for anything obvious, (sorry for being cocky) but if anyone thinks they can help me out, then i would appreciate it quite a bit.

Thedarkdoor (talkcontribs) 22:45, June 12, 2011 (UTC)thedarkdoor