Forum:I & II Arclight

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I'm sure you guys have been seeing the OCG only cards coming out recently. So I wanna discuss something I found creepy:

When Heraldry Augmentation first came out, we noticed that 2 unknown crests were featured on it. I'll admit originally not thinking much of it. Then came out Marshalling field, featuring those same 2 crests with the ones we know so well: of III, IV, V, and Tron.

Is ANYONE ELSE a little freaked out by this? Like the OCG has literally just reawakened one of Zexal's hugest but most forgotten plot holes. Why didn't the naming start from I & II? It could've just been a peculiarity/oversight, except the writers also added this gem: Tron mentioned "the two that came before" and while he was vague about it, it was clear that something bad happening to them, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about any of the three brothers we saw.

WHY ZEXAL WHY DX Aeron Solo wuz here (If you wanna talk) 20:06, April 29, 2014 (UTC)