Forum:Igknight Archfiend?

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OK, so Igknight are a pretty awesome deck right now. I absolutely love them to bits and with their release in to the TCG, I've gone back and started my attempts at making a hybrid deck using Igknight. I think I'm on to something with this.

While still testing the synergy with Archfiend i have gotten what i believe is a solid foundation. The deck is aggressive already and with the addition of the little archfiend engine it has become even more nasty. The archfiends take care of themselves quite well and can get their own effects off with little hindrance on the knights.

Dead hands will always be an issue regardless of what deck and trying to fix it with this one.

Armageddon Knight is a key part of the combo and pretty easy to get out with Reinforcement of the Army and drawn into with Upstart Goblin. But this small tech can still be pulled off if you start with Archfiend Heiress and Archfiend Commander.

Once Archfiend Heiress is sent to the graveyard you can add Archfiend Eccentrick and proceed to blowup your opponent's cards and let your Igknight's handle the rest or swarm the field then blow up cards if you can't complete your pendulum scale. Most of the time I go into Rank 5 and Rank 4 plays but there are other plays like the rank 6 and the synchros if the situation calls for it.

I'm still working on this deck so please make recommendations on what i can do to improve it

Current Victories: Lightsworn U.A. Masked HERO Hunder Pendulum Spellcaster

Dead fenix 7 (talkcontribs) 10:49, September 7, 2015 (UTC)