Forum:Jinzo VS Solemn

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How the hell can Solemn Judgment work on Jinzo???? That's what the tournament judge seemed to think aparently. This is what I see along with most people I talk to about it with the exception of the judges at that one tournament.

Jinzo = Negates Traps Solemn Judgment = A Trap Card

Jinzo hits the field and opponent CANNOT activate TRAPS. With this reasoning Solemn Judgment cannot be activated because it is a TRAP card.

So wtfs up here????

this is one of those things that bugs the crap outta me because if you can't chain to a summoning (such as with the monarchs...but you can chain to their effects....then what are you chaining to with Jinzo??) because if he is summoned he negates all traps and you can't activate traps to chain to his effect which negates therefore if you try to activate traps they will be negated and destroyed...I need some clarification if I am right or if there is something I should know.

Picasso 81189 18:42, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Steve

  • The Judge ruled correctly in this situation. Traps such as Solemn Judgment, Horn of Heaven, etc. negate the summon of a monster, so technically Jinzo was never on the field. Other traps that cannot negate summons cannot be activated after Jinzo hits the field. -- Sub 20:10, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
  • When you summon a monster, 2 windows will open, first the summon negation window(you can only activate summon negation cards as link 1), in which the effects of the monster do not apply, and then the summon responce(any effect can be link 1), where effects of the monster do apply, this is why you can negate it, since solem judgement activates during the summon negation window where jinzo is not on the field. Hope this clarifies it. Ryanfireball 22:15, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
  • And with monarches, the turn player has "priority" so that means he is allowed to activate his effects as chain link 1 in responce to something, and you must respond as chain link 2, also if you are in the summon responce window, you can activate a summon destroy card like trap hole at any chain link, with monarches it has to be link 2 since the turn player had priority and activated his effect as chain link 1 in the summon responce window. Ryanfireball 22:20, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
    • You don't use Priority to activate the effect of a "Monarch". Their effects are Trigger Effects, so they activate automatically as Chain Link 1. It's just a minor correction, since everything else is right. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 01:17, 15 December 2008 (UTC)