Forum:Jinzo vs counter trap

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Jump to: navigation, search (talk) 08:29, February 2, 2011 (UTC) Does counter traps like intercept,saber hole,kick back and pollinossis affect jinzo when it is normal or special summon?

Can I chained waboku when my opponent's activate dark creator's effect to special summon his jinzo from graveyard?Does he need to target his jinzo first for the effect of dark creator thus giving me an option to chain something?

Can divine wrath negates the effect of yubel to special summon yubel - the terror incarnate?

Jinzo's Denial

1) Yes, you can activate "Solemn Judgment", "Saber Hole", etc.. To Negate the Normal Summon or Special Summon of "Jinzo. — This unsigned comment was made by Enyel (talkcontribs)

Jinzo was already Successfully Summoned, so its Continuous effect is already active - Intercept cannot be used
Saber Hole - This was just asked a few days ago... See Forum:Jinzo vs Saber hole
Pollinosis and Forced Back - Same as Saber Hole
When The Dark Creator's effect is activated, the controller is supposed to remove the card as Cost AND select the Target. You can then chain Waboku
Yes, and since Yubel is already in the Graveyard, it won't be destroyed again, so it won't Trigger again.
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 08:39, February 2, 2011 (UTC)