Forum:Jujustsu master VS Skill drain

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I have Jujutsu Master face down and a skill drain on the field my opponent attacks my jujutsu master and kills it, does jujutsu master's effect still activate?.. i know it wont if it didnt get killed and was still on the field.. but if its in the grave i think it should actiavte becasue skill drain doesnt negate effects when its activated in the grave.. just need confirmation

thanks Champklee 10:55, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

  • On the rulings page, it says in the OCG section: "At the end of the Damage Step", as mentioned in the text of cards like "Legendary Jujitsu Master", occurs at the same time as "when the monster which is destroyed by battle is sent to the Graveyard". Or, if "Macro Cosmos" or "Banisher of the Radiance" is active, then this occurs at the same time as "when the monster which is destroyed by battle is removed from play". If that applies, it would seem to me that the effect does not in fact activate in the Graveyard, it occurs at the same time that it is destroyed which means it's on the field when the effect is activated. Therefore, "Skill Drain" would negate it. But I may be wrong. Danny Lilithborne 11:11, 6 August 2009 (UTC)

Legendary Jujitsu Master's effect activates in sub step 7 of the damage step. At that point he would already be in the graveyard. Since he is no longer face up on the field when his effect activates it will not be negated by Skill Drain. Falzar FZ 11:26, 6 August 2009 (UTC)