Forum:Jurrac Beat-down Help

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I put it into the format for you, including the second and third Jurrac Staurikos. I'd help you with a slue of tips, but this deck centers around having higher level Jurracs, which I'm in no way used to. The only two-three tips I can give are lose the non-Jurrac monsters. It ruins solidarity. Take out skill drain, because it fucks up your monsters' effects, and a Royal Oppression can do wonders, since it's effect can't be used or activated during the battle phase. It stops you from synchro summoning until it's destroyed, or you get Giant Trunade, but the majority of your monsters' effects are safe from harm. Dragoonsnake (talkcontribs) 09:17, August 1, 2011 (UTC) ^ Thanks for the help. I removed Jurrac Titano for a Jurrac Gallim and removed Skill Drain for a Hunting Instinct.